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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Yup, you will need to drill out the rivets.
  2. Ok, lets try 4547 or 4549
  3. asphaltguy - where are you located?
  4. Try 2897 or 2899
  5. The best explanation Tool Pants and I have been able to come up with is that it is supposed keep loose items from falling in there and jamming the cables.
  6. Your serial number does not look right. Did you follow the procedure above to ge the serial number to display?
  7. I think you have to wait 1 hour.
  8. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...ODE=03&id=9
  9. There is no flaming allowed here - please re-read the board Rules/Guidelines. So, folks, get this thread back on topic - or I will close it.
  10. As long as you have the standard (not short shifter) - there is a tool that holds the gearshift in the proper position and you just drop the cables into the clamps and lock them. Most Porsche shops have the alignment tool - and I think you can buy it too.
  11. Other than the shift knob there is no difference in the (in car) linkage).
  12. Porsche now approves of 0W-40 or 5W-40 synthetic oils - so either is fine.
  13. Well, if you are lucky you can get to it from underneath (like I've seen several mechanics do). If not then - it is a lot more work to take the wheel off and partially remove the wheel liner.
  14. Loren

    mk1 flywheel

    "-01" means years prior to MY01 - which would include MY99 through MY01. I did not say I don't believe you. I am trying to understand what PET says - because it is usually right.
  15. Here is what I would do. Clear the codes and see what if any come back. I suspect the seatbelt buckle (airbag light) will come back. You can search the forum here for your options to fix that problem.
  16. Loren

    mk1 flywheel

    That image is from the RoW side of PET - and it is only one month old.
  17. On a US car it should be on the passenger side - and there should not be a reason to jack it up. Some mechanics have a small grab hook to grab the cable and then just pull it to open the trunk.
  18. I guess I still think you need to get to the battery and change it out. The emergency release is all mechanical so it should still work.
  19. Ok, I misunderstood you. You can open the door but you can't get tin the front trunk - right. If so, use the emergency release cable behind the right front wheel well liner.
  20. Use the mechanical part of the key in the mechanical door lock.
  21. If your car has been sitting longer than 5 days then you need to open it with the mechanical key. See your owners manual for more detail.
  22. Loren

    mk1 flywheel

    Please explain your conclusion? M002 - 911 Carrera RS Road version M003 - 911 Carrera RS Clubsport version M004 - 911 Carrera RS Street version
  23. ...or Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) ;)
  24. You can download and check the owners manual here.
  25. 996.341.117.90 Left GT3 (mk1) brake duct 996.341.118.90 Right GT3 (mk1) brake duct MSRP -- $128.97 (each)
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