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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Those Boxster type grills are not on 996 bumpers - and I doubt they would fit. I doubt they do anything anyway - just for looks.
  2. 996.612.070.04 wiring harness may work. That harness is for the Porsche Cabriolet "Carrera" spoiler. If your third party spoiler is a clone then it should work.
  3. 996.100.996.02 Engine -- (are you sitting down) MSRP $25940.43 An exchange engine is less than half that price - so if you could find an exchange it would help you out a lot.
  4. If it doesn't leak now - it will eventually. Porsche was supposed to change them on a next visit basis several years ago. A new cap is under $20.
  5. I show it as "out of stock" with no price at Amazon. The $183 is a 3rd party backup "pass through" Amazon. I think I would wait a few days and see if amazon gets it back in stock.
  6. From what you describe - yes, it could be the switch. Sometimes if you wiggle the switch some the light will come on and off - if so, then it is the switch.
  7. Loren: The viscosity issue is clear. But what is the GL desigation? Is this a new (revised) API SERVICE classification? (I know G signifies gas engines). I can not find this (GL) in the retail stores here. The widely available Mobil 1 is API SM,SL/CF. This is the one I have used and the service adviser at my dealer did not raise any concern. I would apperiate your response. :renntech: Porsche dropped that requirement in the April 2007 list - so I have edited the list.
  8. According to the troubleshooting in the OBD II manual you are starting at the end. Here is the troubleshooting they suggest: Secondary air injection pump is not triggered. Secondary air injection pump does not work. Air supply lines restricted. Electric change-over valve does not work. Air change-over valve does not work. Vacuum system leaks. Here is what they suggest recommend for solutions: - Wiring harness or fuse - Relay - DME control module - Air supply lines - Secondary air injection pump - Electric change-over valve - Air change-over valve
  9. Exchange or non-exchange? 6 Speed or Tip?
  10. There is a different wire harness for the wing electrics for a fixed wing car - and it varies by exact model. You need to tell us the model and model year of your car. As well, what fixed wing? Porsche or 3rd party?
  11. http://www.giacusa.com/dealers.php
  12. You shouldn't be charged more than 1 hour 10 minutes labor (according to the TSB).
  13. It means you have a throttle cable and a idle control valve. There is nothing wrong with that - it is just a different design. Some folks think that that throttle cable cars have faster throttle response than egas cars.
  14. Try try our search feature - this has been covered here before (more than 20 times). Thanks!
  15. Model and Model Year of your car?
  16. My radio hasn't yet been disabled but I know it will be sooner or later. I'm the 3rd owner of this '03 Boxster S & the radio code has been long lost. I've tried the above technique & nothing happens other then "MUTE" being constantly displayed. Is there another way to get the above information? I know the radio is a CDR23 with separate amp (fiber optic?) up front. But I don't know which amp it is. (4 or 6-channel -- unless they're all 6-channel if it's FO.) A CDR-23 does not need a code. The code is registered in the DME - so as long as the same radio stays with the same car no action is needed. If the radio were to be replaced then the DME would need to be updated to the new radio.
  17. Issue 1 - Did you read the comments in post 2 item 1. He talks about loosening the air pump nuts. Issue 2 - You won't likely be able to get the old tank out with removing the fuel line fitting. Yes, a small amount of fuel may come out out - just becareful and no smoking. Issue 3 - You must have a C4. On a C4 the fuel filter (silver canister) is mounted on the coolant tank and will need to be removed. There is a screw clamp that holds it in place. Just loosen the clamp and the filter can be removed and set to the side.
  18. Your dealer needs to go back to training school. ;)
  19. View this tutorial How to Remove the Front Bumper Many folks have asked how to remove the front bumper to clean the radiators or replace the horns. So many that we thought it deserved it's own DIY here. We hope to add some pictures to this soon (since I keep forgetting to take them). Also see JeTexas excellent video DIY: Porsche 996 986 Front Bumper Removal Removing the Front Bumper 1. Remove the plastic rivet on the wheel liner (near the sidemarker). 2. Remove the center cover from the inside of the front trunk. Author Loren Category Carrera (996) - Maintenance Submitted 07/17/2007 06:08 PM Updated 07/06/2010 08:56 AM
  20. Many folks have asked how to remove the front bumper to clean the radiators or replace the horns. So many that we thought it deserved it's own DIY here. We hope to add some pictures to this soon (since I keep forgetting to take them). Also see JeTexas excellent video DIY: Porsche 996 986 Front Bumper Removal Removing the Front Bumper 1. Remove the plastic rivet on the wheel liner (near the sidemarker). 2. Remove the center cover from the inside of the front trunk. Turn hexagon cap nut 2 by 90° and remove cover upwards and off 3. Undo sheetmetal screws 4 from the front end 1. 3. Remove the sidemarker light. Press in spring clip of direction indicator light (arrow) A at the sides with a screwdriver and take out the direction indicator light 5, disconnect electrical plug connection (by squeezing the metal clip to release it). 4. Remove the screws from the bottom side of the bumper. Remove the sheetmetal screws 6 and spacer sleeve 7 from the retaining strips on the left and right. 5. Remove the temperature sender probe. Press temperature sensor 10 out of the inlet grille. You can either disconnect the electrical connection and set it aside or leave it attached. 6. Remove the center screws from the bottom side of the bumper 12. Also remove the two plastic rivets 11 on each side of the bottom bumper edge. Remove bumper by lifting slightly and pulling it off to the front. Installing the Front Bumper 1. Position front bumper over the bumper mount on the vehicle. Screw in the center fastening screws on the underside 12 and push the plastic rivets 11 back into place. 2. Position the front bumper to the retaining strip (on each side) and fasten it with the sheetmetal screw 6 and spacer sleeve 7. 3. Fasten the front trunk end 1 with the sheetmetal screws 4 and the spacer sleeves 7. Important: Before tightening these down check the bumper height in relation to the front trunk. When it is properly positioned the front bumper should be even with the front trunk lid or just slightly higher than the trunk lid. Failure to do so will cause wind noise. If needed get someone to hold it in position while you tighten down the sheetmetal screws. Position the cover 3, turn hexagon cap nuts 2 by 90°. 4. Insert electrical plug connection of the sidemarker lights 5. Insert locking tab (arrow) of the direction indicator light in the front end and clip in the sheetmetal clip (to lock them in place). 5. Press temperature sensor 10 into the inlet grille.
  21. It is a bit more complicated. I'll try to put a DIY together in the next couple of days. You can find the new TT belt replacement here. Is the procedure the same for a 1998 2.5 986? Thanks, T The belt instructions are the same - you will need to remove the front engine cover (behind the seats) to get access on a Boxster
  22. Required? Maybe not, but the TSB does say to do it if the customer complains about it. You should talk to a manager and reference TSB 7/04 9662 Insufficient Range of Remote Control -- dated 8-13-2004. If needed you can quote this from the TSB: "If the customer complains that the range of the remote control continues to be insufficient (e.g., even after the remote control battery has been changed), the antenna lead should to be rerouted as described in work procedure (see page 2) in order to increase the reception strength of the antenna, thereby increasing the range of the remote control."
  23. What model and year of car? The previous owner could have changed the instrument cluster and not updated the mileage. In most states in the US that unlawful - unless they provide a document at the time of sale explaining the discrepancy. A dealer or shop with a PST2 or PIWIS tester should be able to verify information in the car's DME.
  24. Don't ask me why Tip and manuals get different mufflers - I do not know why but they do. 996.111.121.57 Right side muffler
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