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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Here are your factory options (for your VIN only): I218 I236 18"tires I434 I912 IX54 IX71 instrument dial painted/aluminium look finish IX70 door entry guards in stainless steel with logo IX89 IXD9 wheel painted in body colour M032 touring suspension M058 impact absorbers, front and rear M130 control and indications in english lettering M197 stronger battery M219 differential M274 vanity mirror illuminated M270 door mirror -flat- driver's side, electrically adjustable and heatable M273 door mirrors, electrically adjustable and heatable M338 rear-wheel drive M335 automatic seat belt, 3-point, rear M375 sports seat, backrest shell, left M376 sports seat, backrest shell, right M413 18-inch turbo-look wheel M425 rear window wiper M424 cd compartment M436 3-spoke airbag steering wheel M441 radio preparation M454 automatic speed control M465 rear foglamp, left M484 version for usa M480 6-speed manual transmission M490 -my 01 sound system my 02 sound system harmann analog M539 mechanical seat-height adjustment, left M535 anti-theft lock 315 mhz M540 mechanical seat-height adjustment, right M553 version for usa, canada M562 airbag, driver's side and front passenger's side M566 front fog lights, white M567 windscreen tinted, upper part darker coloured M563 side airbag M573 air conditioner M581 center console, front M590 power lid locking M602 raised stop lamp M657 power assisted steering M651 electric window opener M650 electrical sliding roof M661 stricter emission-control concept M660 obd 2 M685 rear seats, split M696 cd radio "porsche cdr 220" M936 seat covers, rear, leather M983 seat covers, front, leather M981 leather equipment without seat covers
  2. Without the fault codes it is anybodies guess.
  3. PM me your VIN and I'll run a check.
  4. Apparently when we did a minor update to the site a couple of weeks ago it broke the special searches in the TSB section, the P-codes, section and the Options Codes section. Sorry, folks didn't realize until today. All have been fixed and should be working as normal again.
  5. 000.044.500.37 is for a Turbo Coupe MY03-05 and includes engine mounting parts for a Turbo engine. 000.044.500.38 is for a Carrera C4S Coupe MY03-05 and includes engine mounting parts for a Carrera engine.
  6. Porsche uses Elf Glacelf Supra Antifreeze Coolant.
  7. Usually a clunk in the back when you go over bumps - and sometimes also when you corner.
  8. If it was done at a dealership then it should be in Porsche's database. Call your friendly dealer - give them your VIN and ask them to look it up. If it was done outside of a dealer then you may never know. If it were my car and I couldn't prove it had been done I would do it anyway. You might be wasting a little money but at least you have service history starting point.
  9. Have a look at the Maintenance Checklists here. Do you have any service records so that you know the 30,000 mile major service was done. I wouldn't touch any seal that is not leaking. A common problem with the rear suspension is loose swaybar mounts.
  10. You can likely get it pretty clean by holding the butterfly open and spraying behind it. I like to remove the throttle body because it is not hat hard and then you can see the back side of the butterfly (without forcing it open) and make sure that the small idle holes at the edges are clean.
  11. One thing you might try is a top calibration. This is done with a PST2 or PIWIS and resets the top transmissions on each side so they move evenly (at least that is what we think it does). I did this once for a guy with a MY00 Cab and seemed to solve his problem. The assumption here is that you have checked to see that nothing is bent or broken in the top hardware.
  12. Loren

    mk1 flywheel

    I think you folks are losing site of the original posters question - "Did the mk1 come with a single mass flywheel?" and I think we have shown here the answer is no and yes. No in the standard version and yes in the ClubSport version. Is this not true?
  13. Loren

    mk1 flywheel

    The Cup flywheel is 964.102.239.80. The one listed above for ClubSport (M003 and M004) cars is 964.102.239.31.
  14. Have a look at TSB 5/99 2015 Fuel Tank Hose Modification -- dated 8-12-1999. It may pertain to your car too.
  15. For the radio try 4275 or 4273
  16. It will depend on the size of your hand - some folks can reach up from underneath and grab it and some folks take one of the plastic rivets out to slip their hand in (that would be me). A CDR-23 is a MOST bus radio will only work in a MY03 and newer car.
  17. Bad news - those control motors are all controlled through the Climatronic. I think you should re-check your connections and if they are okay then your Climatronic is likely bad.
  18. There is likely nothing wrong with your fan. This question has been answered many many times here (please try a search next time). http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...post&p=1530
  19. If you want me to look at the schematic - then I need to know model and model year please (as requested at the top of this forum).
  20. M9670-644 is a 309 KW (or about 415 HP).
  21. You should not remove the oil cap with the engine running. The oil vapor system is part of the US emissions requirement. Your car may come back to normal after a few drive cycles or you can force it to re-learn by disconnecting the battery for a short time. Keep your radio handy if you decide to disconnect the battery.
  22. I would start with cleaning the front radiators - especially if it has never been done. Just remove the front bumper and clean the AC condensers and the radiators behind them. How to Remove the Front Bumper
  23. Part numbers change all the time and unless there was another reason to update the TSB Porsche rarely updates them for part number changes. I guess they assume their parts system will tell you the new part number when you place an order (which it usually does).
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