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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Those are the correct numbers from the 2000 TSB (actually they have a G2X appended to the end of the number signifying that they come unpainted). Porsche later updated the parts (and part numbers) to 986.559.980.01.G2X and 986.559.981.01.G2X. I do not know what changed - or if it was just a vendor change. Bottom line - they should work fine. See TSB 3/00 6315 Installing Cup Aerokit -- dated 7-21-00
  2. P1115 Oxygen Sensor Heating Ahead of TWC, Bank 1 – Above Limit I would clean and check the connector on that sensor first - then reset the CEL and see if it comes back. If it does then replace it.
  3. I sent you a PM.
  4. I agree it seems strange that the US government forces car makers to give emission warranties but not safety item warranties. This can certainly be done by some that is used to working on electrical connections and soldering. Some folks have gotten by just replacing the faulting buckle and not doing anything else. Porsche's TSB fix is intended to stop any future issues.
  5. Have you tried using Scour's VIN Decoder here? Scouser's VIN Decoder
  6. Correct that is normal for a fixed wing (correctly wired) - even the factory wings do that).
  7. No the MAF are the same for all 997's (986.606.125.01).
  8. I doubt the engines are totally different - and so are the engine mounts.
  9. You need to choose Sort by "Subject" not "Model" in the selection box.
  10. Can you take a screen shot? I just tried it and got 15 results for "airbag".
  11. Boxster's and Carrerra's use the same seats and seatbelt buckles - so either TSB will work. I had no trouble finding it with the search. Did you choose to search by Subject then the word "airbag"? The TSB you want is TSB 1/04 6924 Airbag Warning Light Comes On: Fault Codes 45, 46, 48 and 49 -- dated Jul 21, 2004.
  12. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=10388
  13. Have you tried Carnewal.com?
  14. The older the car the more brittle the plastic becomes. If your car were a MY99 I would say guaranteed.
  15. BMW has a similar product - Gummi Pflege (spelling?). It might be easier to find.
  16. I haven't done it but the book says under 1 hour labor and you do have to remove the inner door panel (to get to a clip as I recall).
  17. Krytox is a dry lubricant and the silicone grease above is "greasy" will not dry. The silicone grease will also pick up dirt and debris. You want something that is Krytox only (no silicone).
  18. Yes, the part number is different.
  19. Here are the basic specs for the 997 series 911. PCCB are optional. The Boxster and Cayman share the same brakes as do the Boxster S and Cayman S. PCCB is optional on all Boxsters and Caymans.
  20. Yes, that is a list for that VIN (as it appears in the system).
  21. My information came from the Porsche OBD II 5.2.2 Service Manual (a 1997 Boxster would be DME 5.2.2).
  22. You are in the US and it is a US car? If so, just find an Autozone - they will let you read your fault codes for free. Be sure and write them down and report them here.
  23. P0137 Oxygen Sensor After Catalytic Converter (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Signal Wire Short Circuit to Ground or Incorrect Voltage Potential causes: Short circuit in signal wire to ECM ground DME control module output stage short to ground Fault area: - Wiring harness or housing ground. - Oxygen sensor - DME control module or housing ground. Troubling shooting: Check and repair wiring harness. Replace O2 sensor. Wiring harness testing 1. Remove all four O2 connectors. 2. Switch on the ignition. 3. Connect voltmeter at sleeve to pins 3 and 4 of O2 connector 1 after catalytic converter. Display: approx. 450 mV 4. Connect voltmeter at sleeve to pin 3 and ground. Display: approx. 720 mV If the measurement according to items 3 and 4 does not show the specified values, remove DME control module connector and check wiring for short to ground. If no short to ground can be detected, replace DME control module. Sensor testing: 1. Remove O2S connector 1 after catalytic converter. 2. Connect ohmmeter on pin side to pin 3 and to O2 housing. Display: infinite ohms 3. Connect ohmmeter on pin side to pin 4 and to O2 housing. Display: infinite ohms 4. Connect ohmmeter on pin side to pins 4 and 2. Display: infinite ohms 5. Connect ohmmeter on pin side to pins 3 and 2. Display: infinite ohms If any test fails replace the O2 sensor(s) that failed.
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