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Everything posted by Loren

  1. That does not make sense - I doubt that has anything to do with the key fob problem. Red/Green is unswitched which means 12 volts is always present. What are you using for ground on the 3rd party radio? chassis or brown wire?
  2. Unless you just changed spark plugs or did some work on the car I doubt that is all the codes. P0300 Misfire Damaging to Catalytic Converter P0304 Misfire, Cylinder 4, Damaging to Catalytic Converter P0305 Misfire, Cylinder 5, Damaging to Catalytic Converter P0306 Misfire, Cylinder 6, Damaging to Catalytic Converter The car should not be driven and the CEL is likely flashing.
  3. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=18375
  4. Yes, through the cigarette lighter.
  5. I will close this now - since it is taken. BTW... Contributing Members can view and download all of the Technik Service Books here.
  6. Using the battery tender should still work -even with no battery.
  7. The Retail Price Search feature (for our Contributing Members) has been updated to reflect August 2007 pricing for the US (only). We try and update this on a monthly basis as the price lists come available to us. For August 2007 the price lists support - US: 214,720 parts Canada: 209,209 parts (December 2006)
  8. Strange - I could not find that part number anywhere that I looked. The part number I gave you is for a set - I suppose it is possible that each pad has it's own seperate part number but is not orderable since they are sold as matched sets. If they are OEM I would trust the box.
  9. Hmm... you would need new wheel carriers for sure.
  10. There is a top calibration feature in the PST2. I have used it once on a car that gave a calibration error - but the owner said as far as he knew the top was working okay. It is likely worth a try to find someone with a PST2 and hav them run the top calibration.
  11. Do you mean 986.351.939.15? Those would be the front brake pads for a normal Boxster (non-S).
  12. Front: 7.5 J x 18 offset 50.0 996.362.134.05 (or) Front: 8 J x 18 offset 50.0 996.362.136.03 Rear: 10 J x 18 offset 65.0 996.362.140.03
  13. For your model year the only interior that looks close to me is Boxster Red. Leather will have a different color code than carpet, etc. If you want to know what options came with your car from the factory - then PM me your VIN and I'll look it up.
  14. 0.375 inch = 9.525 millimeter - the 3/8 fits snug, a 10 mm is a little loose. ;)
  15. Your oil pressure sounds normal to me. Their is no cable - your clutch is hydraulic. So, the noise is either coming from the (hydraulically operated) release arm in the bell housing or from the pedal assembly inside the car.
  16. Unless they have changed - they are 3/8 inch.
  17. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=49217
  18. Thanks to a gracious RennTech member we have a location for a Work on Cars Day. The site has one lift and several cars in the driveway. We are looking at a Saturday before the end of August for DIY projects. Please post (reply to this thread) what project you want to do and what date works best for you. I will be be there with my PST2 and Durametric Software so if anyone wants codes read, reset, OBC turned on, door locks reprogrammed, etc. or just wants to have their car checked over we can do that too. Please be specific with what you want to do so that we know what (if any) special tools might be needed.
  19. It is a triple square 8mm serrated tool. Here is the one I use Triple Square 8 mm at Amazon. I am sure you can get socket mounted or find it for less.
  20. If everything else works then I doubt it is the ignition switch. I think you need to measure the voltage at the switches to see if power is there.
  21. Replacing the Ignition Switch
  22. They likely disconnected your battery. Have you tried re-training the windows by holding the window button down for 10-15 seconds. Then reverse the windows and holding the windows up for 10-14 seconds.
  23. Doesn't make sense to me that both switches would be bad. I wonder if one (or more) of the power wires came off? Any work done lately like a radar detector or ipod or? I would see if the switches are getting power (see the lines marked Fuse xx).
  24. D1 is the power windows fuse. D3 (not D4) is the sunroof fuse. B6 is also for the power windows (should be 15A)
  25. Model and model year of your car please? US or RoW?
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