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Everything posted by Loren

  1. There is a cleaning and re-oil kit available from several companies. I suggest that you oil it lightly and then wrap it in newspaper overnight to absorb the excess oil. It might save you cleaning your MAF.
  2. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...&hl=AVIC-Z1
  3. Most dealers also write the anti-theft socket number in the Owners Manual so check there also for the code.
  4. The wheel bolts are a standard 19 mm. Use a deep socket with electrical wrapped around it to avoid scratching the wheel. If he has a torque wrench the wheel bolts should be torqued to 96 ft/lbs.
  5. http://www.durametric.com/modelfeaturematrix.aspx
  6. Sometimes you can reach inside the latch mechanism with a small screwdriver and push the emergency cable lever back. You might also try a little (stress little) amount of WD40.
  7. Start with the fuses - A1 and A4 should be the windows fuses. Both are 30A. Also, have you started and driven the car since the battery disconnect. Disconnecting the battery resets all the computers so they have to re-initialize and in some cases be re-trained. If the fuses are ok then hold down the window switch for at least 20 seconds in both directions.
  8. Yes, if you used a 996.606.125.01 then you will need to re-program the DME with a PST2 or PIWIS.
  9. It is usually behind the headlight or between the headlight and bumper.
  10. I think you are correct - dealers swap wheels on cars all the time. 17's are probably a better autocross tire but other than that there is no real advantage or disadvantage (IMHO). A Porsche dealer or a shop with a PST2 or PIWIS tester should run a fault report along with a DME report - print it out and fax it to you. You will get engine operating hours, airbag hours, Number of ignitions, range 1 (over revs that the rev limiter did control), and more important Number of ignitions, range 2 (over revs that the rev limiter could not control i.e. missed shifts, or spins). Of course they should print out and be ready to correct any faults that are reported. A typical report might look something like (some of these faults are ok because the owner had disconnected the battery): Range 1 over revs = ok. Range 2 over revs = not good (this car had no Range 2 over revs). 19.04.2007 18:26:02 911 (996) DME Vehicle data Number of ignitions, range 1 5918 941.0 h Number of ignitions, range 2 - - Operating hours counter 941.8 Vehicle Identification Nr. WP0xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Type ID DME control unit 996US010 Order type 996110 Country code C02 Engine type 9601 Engine number 66X Transmission type G9600 Transmission number 0000000 Radio/PCM code 0000 Body color/convertible top color 39V Interior equipment AS0 M numbers ... Z numbers ... Exclusive numbers 19.04.2007 18:01:48 911 (996) Alarm system Fault memory Number of faults: 6 10 Voltage failure at terminal 30 with alarm system active 61 Central locking limit position Unlock not reached 48 Airbag signal acknowledged 60 Central locking limit position Lock not reached 23 W lead 33 Passenger compartment monitoring sensor 19.04.2007 18:06:58 911 (996) Alarm system Events Number of events: 6 1 Alarm actuation by "locked" contact on driver's side Activation: after battery connect. 2 Alarm actuation by "locked" contact on driver's side Activation: secured via radio 3 Alarm actuation by driver's door Activation: secured via lock 4 Alarm actuation by oddments tray Activation: secured via lock 5 Alarm actuated by passenger compartment monitoring Activation: secured via lock 6 Alarm actuation by "locked" contact on driver's side Activation: secured via radio 19.04.2007 18:13:15 911 (996) POSIP Fault memory Number of faults: 1 3 Power supply 19.04.2007 18:17:22 911 (996) Air conditioning Fault memory Number of faults: 1 24 Supply voltage (terminal 15)
  11. We will be doing some server maintenance on Wednesday August 9, 2007 beginning at 8:00 am EDT. The work should not take more than one hour if everything goes as planned. Thank you for your patience and your continued support of RennTech.org!
  12. My advice is get a CarFax, ask for any service records, get a PPI. I am sending you via PM that cars factory options (that VIN only). You should check to see what has been removed (if anything) and what has been added.
  13. My money says the tech forgot to torque the wheel lug nuts.
  14. I agree - that sounds normal to me especially if the car sat for some time.
  15. There are lots of independent shop that have a PST2 and some might even do it for free. If you were local I would would do it for you.
  16. If the tumbler jams or falls apart (as several have) you will need to replace the whole lock and switch assembly with the new style. As I recall the part is about $200 (discounted).
  17. The engine compartment fan pulls cool air in - it does not blow hot air out. If you can find a shop with a PST2 (or PIWIS) they can easily test your fan - it takes about 2 minutes. The criteria for the fan to come has been covered here many times. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=72289 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=28856
  18. Yes, the seats are the same. Just be aware that power seats won't easily go in a car with standard seats as the wiring harness and controls are not there.
  19. You need to talk to your dealer/OPC - something is not right there.
  20. The Durametric Software will reset the light as will a PST2 or PIWIS -- but the Durametric software is thousands cheaper than the Porsche tools. www.durametric.com
  21. You are taking power for the LED from the PSM switch - so any other switch that has power for the LED will work.
  22. How about I give you the factory instructions and you take pictures and write it up? 9 liters of Mobil 1 ~ $54 1 Oil Filter ~ $18 Should be under $75.
  23. I don't know what you connected it to so I can't answer that. I am suggesting that you re-check any wiring that you have done - because of the odd results you have gotten.
  24. That ground should work then. I think I would put the radar detector on the switched line - unless it has an on-off switch and you remember to turn it off.
  25. IMHO - a total waste of money. Your car has the same strut braces (already in the car) that racing Cup Cars use.
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