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Everything posted by Loren

  1. The Boxster engine is the same as the Carrera (except it faces the other direction). Any of the Carrera DIY oil change articles will work for a Boxster too. https://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7055 I think the air filer has been covered elsewhere in the Boxster forums - try doing a search.
  2. Get the Porsche parts they are not that expensive and they come with high temperature adhesive backs to hold them in place. Make sure the sure the surface is claen and dry when you install them.
  3. 000.044.500.07 RoW Mo303 kit for MY99 C2, coupe, 6-speed.
  4. A special thank you to new member Dan (carguy212) for uploading a bunch of current, recent and historic Porsche Sales Brochures. For now these are in the Public Downloads section - but we will be moving them to a "Brochures" section in the near future. 1970s PorscheAir.pdf 1972 911.pdf 1972 914.pdf 1973 914.pdf 1974 914.pdf 1975 914.pdf 1976 912e.pdf 2006 911.pdf 2006 boxster.pdf 2006 cayenne.pdf 2006 cayman.pdf 2007 911_997_turbo_us.pdf 2007 911_targa_gb.pdf 2007 Boxster.pdf 2007 Cayenne.pdf 2007 Cayman.pdf Thanks again carguy212! :clapping:
  5. IMHO... just enough that it does not leak (they are pretty easy to twist off).
  6. C2 or C4? - the fuel tanks are very different. Have you checked the fuses? P0453 Tank Pressure Sensor - Short to B+ Check wiring from pressure sensor to DME control module for short to B+. 1. Connect special tool 9616 to wiring harness (DME control module connector). 2. Remove connector of pressure sensor. 3. Connect voltmeter to special tool 9616, pin 72, and ground. Display: 0 V If battery voltage is displayed, check wiring harness for chafing and pinching damage. The spoiler light is normal - it does not go out until the car moves (forward or reverse).
  7. For Mobil 1 0W-40 I think I paid $5.49/quart at Autozone (by the case) last time. I don't have a problem with Mobil 1, Castrol, or Pennzoil/Quaker State synthetics - they are all good oils.
  8. Porsche's method to bleed the ABS is to hookup a PST2 or PIWIS tester and use a built-in function that starts the ABS pump during bleeding.
  9. Probably Royal Purple Motor Oil. http://www.royalpurple.com/prodsa/auto.html Sold by: Pep Boys Kragen Auto Parts NAPA Auto Parts
  10. Perhaps someone changed pads without putting on new vibration dampers?
  11. :welcome:
  12. I haven't seen the "scratchers" on cars in years. Your Porsche has pad sensors. These are essentially a wire covered in plastic - when the insulation wears through the action of the pads causes the wire to break -- it turn a light on in your instrument cluster. Much better than the old scratchers.
  13. 987 to 986 = ok. 997 to 986 = not ok. The front might fit but when you install them check the front for clearance issues and install 5mm spacers if required. The rears are too wide and have the wrong offset.
  14. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7067
  15. That sounds good - chock the front wheels front and back. Parking brake only affects rear wheels. I find it easier to remove mufflers with the wheels off. Because then you can just remove the three 13 mm nuts on the muffler hanger and rotate them out.
  16. Yes, via PM please.
  17. Not quite. Every wiring harness is made to order. That is, each one is custom - based on the options in the original order. Some options are made to be added (i.e. MOST components and Tequipment options) -- other are not. In this case sdnalhgih just needs to ge tthe proper fiber optic cables for the options that are currently in his car based on what he wants to add. Once connected those options will need to be "turned on" using a PIWIS tester.
  18. Sorry, you can only get NAV codes for PCM1 from a dealer.
  19. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...de=maint_us_add 90,000 miles
  20. P0102 says your MAF is either disconnected (open) or shorted.
  21. P0102 is most common when the MAF is disconnected. Did you add the K & N CAI recently or have the intake off?
  22. Sometime the program does not work and in that case you will need to contact a dealer or Becker. I do not know about a CDR-210 but on CDR-220 you don't press any keys after the code.
  23. Please do not double post - I already answered your previous post.
  24. Try 5446 or 5448
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