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Everything posted by Loren

  1. You don't need to take it out unless it is broken. Carefully pull on the wire from the back side and see if any pins pull out.
  2. Check the connector that stays in the body when you remove the headlight. I've seen broken connectors and I've seen the pins pushed out the connector so they don't make contact.
  3. You have to remove the rear bumper cover then from the back side push in the pins and clips.
  4. Try 0318 or 0320
  5. So... tell me why you don't have your code?
  6. I think it is: 955.552.189.00.5V7
  7. Check the connector just inside the right rear fender. Press the tabs to disconnect it - clean it and then reinsert it.
  8. If the sticker is not there or you are unsure then PM the VIN and I will look it up.
  9. Try 7177 or 7179
  10. Right in front of each on the other side of the wheel well liner.
  11. Naughty... naughty...
  12. Automatic LSD and ABD are functions of PSM not a mechanical LSD. I do not think it was possible in MY99 to get LSD without TC (or visa versa).
  13. You can find all of the "conditions" at: https://techinfo2.porsche.com/PAGInfosystem...ond&lk=ELSE
  14. Look for the leak! There is a steering rack in the front of the car (and there are plastic belly pans that could hide the leak. There are line that travel from the steering box (in the front) to the pump in rear of the car. And then there is the pump itself.
  15. Time to look for a leak... BTW... use only Pentosin CHF 202 (it Pentosin supersedes 11S and can be mixed).
  16. Look for posts by member tholyoak. I think he wrote this up at one time...
  17. Hmm... I found it no problem. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...o++rear++bumper or http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...o++rear++bumper or http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...o++rear++bumper
  18. Fault code 9142 Failure of cruise control warning light Diagnostic conditions - Ignition on Possible cause of fault - A voltage drop in the vehicle electrical system (jump-lead starting) can cause fault code 9142 to be stored. - Instrument cluster faulty Diagnosis Troubleshooting 1. Withdraw ignition key and then switch the ignition on again. The fault is remedied? if not Step 2 2. Replace instrument cluster.
  19. Did you look at the instruction in your Owner's Manual? ;) You can download a MY00 Owner's Manual here if you don't have one.
  20. You might also notice that the original hex bolt has Loctite blue on it ;)
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