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Everything posted by Loren

  1. All 986 Boxsters and all 996 Carreras can have the OBC "turned on". On the early cars it is just one program change (in the cluster) - on the later cars it requires two changes (one in the cluster and one in the DME).
  2. It is exactly the same for a MY01 and older Boxster and Carrera. You need to find a new shop.
  3. Yes, in about 2 minutes with a PST2 or PIWIS.
  4. It just means you have one or more options from the Exclusive option list.
  5. Try 999.590.046.40 disc cam
  6. 999.702.221.40 grommet -- MSRP $2.40
  7. I am not sure this a DIY project since the TSB says that you need to replace the retaining frame and replace the lift mechanism of the glass sliding cover. It also says that mixing part from the new kit and the old frame are not allowed. Welcome to the site - as you may or may not know all TSBs are available here to Contributing Members. We have a minimum of a $25 (US) donation and no maximum. Contributing Members can view TSBs online, use the Retail Price Search feature, and access the Contributors Only Forum. They can send attachments with PMs, image storage limits are raised for all Contributing Members, RennTech.org email addresses are available and a personal Blog. Contributions help defer the cost of running this site and providing this information to you. No one has to contribute but many members do. Without contributions this site would either have to go subscription or cease to exist.
  8. I think you worry too much ;) IN the new version you just replace the whole housing - 4 nuts.
  9. TSB 4/05 3408 Short Shift Kit Installation Instructions - which you have access to.
  10. Maybe a leaky fuel injector. If it were oil the pipe would have been greasy.
  11. That would say that the mixture on cylinders 1-3 is too rich (and the DME can not lean it enough) and your misfires and your O2 sensor on the cylinder 4-6 side is shorted (or reading a very high voltage). I would find a shop with some good OBD II software and have them read the MAF air flow and TRA\FRA values so you can really see what is going on.
  12. From the Service Manual Instructions: "Note! The adjustment function of the seat, mirror and lumbar positions via the hand-held transmitter is correct only if the radio code and the transponder code of a hand-held transmitter are each stored at the same position in the alarm system control module." There are 15 steps in "teaching" a new key and matching the old keys.
  13. What are the current code(s)?
  14. Sounds more like a loose swaybar...
  15. Try 9038 or 9040 Thanks. Tried it but it didn't work. :( My program does not always work. It works maybe 95% of the time but I have no expanation why it doesn't always work. At this point you will need to contact a dealer or Becker. Becker charges to lookup your code and some dealers do too.
  16. Yes, the 997 number above is listed in the 996 parts list. They started using it in 2005.
  17. 997.424.983.00 Short Shifter. Well, I don't think we ever found the number on the (blue) alignment tool. The number "on" the tool does not come up any any Porsche system.
  18. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...amp;hl=duralast
  19. Try 9038 or 9040
  20. Why wouldn't you buy a Porsche with a Tiptronic? Have you ever driven one? Did you know the 997TT with a Tiptronic is faster than the 6 speed (0-100)?
  21. I would remove the covers on the underside and check for things bent or damaged. The cover just unscrew as I recall.
  22. Without the fault code(s) everything is just a guess. Go to an Autoszone (or other auto parts store) and get your codes read. Write them down and report them back here.
  23. That is pretty good jolt - I would get the car up on a lift and look for more underside damage. "After triggering of the airbag unit on the passengers side (parts that must be replaced): - Airbag unit, passenger's side - Triggering unit after the third time the airbag is triggered" Remember that is also likely recorded in the DME - so you might want to document the "accident".
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