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Everything posted by Loren

  1. So no after market alarms or rewiring on the switch?
  2. Yes, most of the time it is a +2 or +4 or -2 or -4 from the first number.
  3. I was asking about the wiring to the ignition switch...
  4. Thanks Loren. I actually just pulled my deck to get the serial number off of it- it is SN W5021420. If I had known it was this easy to remove, I would have just done so from the start :). If you want to try to get a code for me, I'd appreciate it. If it doesn't work, I can try to contact a dealer Monday, but there are no local dealers to me- the closest is at least an hour away :(. How much does Becker charge, do you know? Thanks again. Joe PS- Just FYI- once the radio reads "code", there is no TP button, just numerical 1-0, so it must be a different procedure for the 210. That's what I had a hard time trying to find. Try 4674 or 4672 Last time I heard Becker charged $35.
  5. I can try to get your code - that is all my program works about 95% of the time. On CDR-220 you get the code by holding down the TP button while you power on - then scroll to the serial number using the right radio know. I do not know if the same works on a CDR-210. The serial number is also on the back of the radio but you will need to have the Becker radio removal keys for that. Of course you could call Becker Monday and pay them to look up your code or try to talk a friendly dealer into giving it to you.
  6. Or you could download the owners manual... here
  7. Please do a search - this has been covered many times here.
  8. From the manual... Removal 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Pull cover (collar) off the steering lock. 3. Insert ignition key and turn to position 1 (ignition on). Insert a steel wire with a diameter of approx. 1.3 mm (max. 1.5 mm 0) into the bore next to the ignition key (arrow) as far as it will go. Pull the lock barrel with induction coil out of the steering lock housing. Note: Inserting the steel wire unlocks the lock barrel in the steering lock housing. 4. Carefully unlock and separate the plug connection on the lock barrel (at the induction coil for the immobilizer).
  9. P0441 93 Fuel Tank Ventilation System - Above Limit Potential causes: - EVAP canister purge valve open - Pressure sensor faulty The other codes are already explained above.
  10. IMHO - 0 (zero) stage 2 overrevs - or as close to zero as possible. Look for worn bushings, rubbing tires and other signs of heavy track usage.
  11. Why do you post AND send me a PM requesting your code? Try 9507 or 9509 Neither 9507 or 9509 worked My program does not always work. It works maybe 95% of the time but I have no explanation why it doesn't always work. At this point you will need to contact a dealer or Becker. Becker charges to lookup your code and some dealers do too.
  12. Why do you post AND send me a PM requesting your code? Try 9507 or 9509
  13. Fenders, lights, lights wiring harness, and bumper cover.
  14. Chuck, When you bring your car over I will run the emissions test on the PST2 and that should give you a good idea if it will pass. 99% of the out of state Porsche's will easily pass California emissions (Smog) tests. BTW... 4WD cars do not get the dyno part of the smog test here in California.
  15. You can always post in the Wanted forum here.
  16. Send me your VIN by PM and I'll see what the database says for it.
  17. Use the same size pipe as the muffler outlets. IMHO no, it does not sound exactly like a PSE. I don't think it has the raspy sound a PSE has - but it will be much louder.
  18. Have them check the stage 2 overrevs, look for suspension wear (track time), and check the rotors for cracks or worn beyond tolerances.
  19. A MY06 car is a 997 - I doubt the muffler will line up right with a MY01.
  20. These items have been available here to Contributing Members for some time.
  21. Please DO NOT double post.
  22. Are you sure the wire connections on the switch are correct?
  23. Loren, Saw the 124 in an eBay ad and it was listed for the 996TT, is it the correct MAF for a MY01 996 C2 as well? Joe 124 will also work for MY99-MY01 C4 (egas) or MY00 and MY01 (egas) C2.
  24. Many of the flashing are normal responses to key presses on the remote. I would start with a new remote battery - if you had an open zone you would hear the horn beep when locking.
  25. Please DO NOT DOUBLE POST (see our Guuidelines). "Please post your messages in one forum only. Crossposting is a waste of time and valuable resources. If you post the same message in multiple forums, we will delete the ones we feel are inappropriate." Try 6024 or 6026
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