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Everything posted by Loren

  1. The rules here are simple - keep it clean and friendly... and keep it on topic. So, folks please get back on topic and off the personal stuff - or this topic will be closed.
  2. Open the front hood - remove the two speed nuts.
  3. P1411 Secondary Air Injection System - Signal Implausible (Cylinders 4 - 6) Potential causes: Secondary air injection pump does not work. - Relay Air supply lines restricted. - DME control module Electric change-over valve does not work. - Air supply lines Air change-over valve does not work. - Secondary air injection pump Vacuum system leaks. - Electric change-over valve - Air change-over valve
  4. The pictures and diagrams before yours (vette67) are from a MY99 car and slightly different from your MY00 egas car. I am sending you a PM with more info...
  5. Porsche changed their "approved" oils list a few years ago. 0W-40 and 5W-40 are now the only "approved" oil weights. But then I know folks that have been using 15W-50 since day one.
  6. I would start by checking the connections.
  7. I have deleted your redundant post in the 993 section (please re-read the Board Rules/Guidelines about cross-posting). 993.362.114.00 are 7J x 16 ET 55 mm 993.362.118.01 are 9J x16 ET 70mm Boxster 16 wheels are spec'ed by Porsche as: 6J x 16 ET 50 mm 7J x 16 ET 40 mm So you might get the fronts to fit but the rears likely will have too much wrong offset.
  8. See the post just above yours "There have been a few of these. Have someone with a PST2 or PIWIS look at your CDR23 fault codes. The problem is usually a bad radio or bad amp (I think I've heard of more bad amps)."
  9. Perhaps the CD Changer was already turned on in your car? Or perhaps they are turning them all on now? The TSB instructions clearly state to "Program the CD Changer" and verify that it is in the MOST option list.
  10. You can't just plug it in and have it work. Once all the correct cables are connected you have to hook up a PIWIS tester and "turn on" the new device(s).
  11. Talk to the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) but I think you need to state the lock number when ordering.
  12. Item 6 - 999.702.221.40 Item 11 - 999.702.246.40
  13. 997.107.019.90 Return line -- MSRP $126.43 My parts list says it is a special order item from Porsche MotorSport.
  14. The one off the oil tank and the one off the two oil pumps? You do realize they are the same as a standard 997 GT3?
  15. Search is your friend... http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=26193
  16. Date: Saturday, September 29 Time: Anytime between 9 am and 5 pm. Directions: Here is a link to a Google Map http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&...c=addr&om=1
  17. Purge valve EVAP components The purge canister is behind the right front wheel well liner. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=13955
  18. Look at your option (under the front bonnet) and see if your option code is M490 ot M680.
  19. Please read Orient Express's DIY (in the link he gave you above). It has the company and phone number near the top of the DIY.
  20. Please do not post AND send me a PM - you just make double work. And, please DO NOT post to multiple forums (more work) -- Re-read the Board guidelines about this! You will need to tell us the name on your amp - it will be BOSE or Harmon.
  21. I don't know why your oil would be green - has a dealer ever changed it? Here are the locations (the other drain is just on the other side of that cross member.
  22. Flush, bleed, change -- basically all the same. You put new fluid in the brake fluid reservoir and push out the old fluid at each wheel (and clutch) bleed point. There is a DIY here.
  23. If you try several times in a row the system locks you out for 1 hour. If the numbers I gave do hot work then you will likely need to contact a dealer or Becker. Becker charges to look up your code and so do some dealers.
  24. Try 1866 or 1864
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