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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Thanks to all that made it to the Work on Cars Day! I enjoyed it and it looks like we have some really good project for next time (we need a volunteer photographer). Please start a new thread with your projects for next time so that we can schedule up the work location.
  2. Chuck is having computer problems and asked me to post some pics of his new baby...
  3. Try 5554 or 5556
  4. Year and model of your car? US or RoW car? (the alarms are different) Generally speaking... Alarm Fault code 25 No pin 86 S recognized Possible cause of fault - Pin 86 S is not detected when terminal 15 is switched on - Fuse E1 faulty - Short circuit to ground/open circuit in wiring between the alarm system control module and the ignition lock - Ignition lock faulty
  5. RTV (silicone) is better that tub n' tile caulk. You might want to try and find a rubber grommet and seal between the grommet and the wires.
  6. If you are talking about the (all) rubber ones - they are for the heater core. So, you might lose some coolant.
  7. I personally would only use the Porsche part - it's only about 30 cents. I would hate to lose all of my oil because of something like that.
  8. geoff - that page/site clearly states it is for "authorised companies" and prices are only in Euros - so that implies not US. Certainly Porsche knows that ceasing to provide this information is a violation of EPA's Service Information Rule - 2003 Final Rule. Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR Part 86 Control of Air Pollution From Motor Vehicles and New Motor Vehicle Engines; Final Rule -- dated June 27, 2003 Porsche has been in borderline non-compliance from the start as they were very late to provide this site. And, they also failed to meet the EPA guideline for providing that information at "fair and reasonable charges for access to online service information". For example: Porsche was more than double the recommended long term access of $2500/year. Does Porsche has something new in mind - or do independent shops and DIY'ers have to file a complaint with the EPA?
  9. MY01 and 02 TT are PCM1 but it is not a MOST system. MOST was introduced in MY03 (along with PCM2). Porsche does not sell individual parts for the PCM systems - your best luck might be a wrecking yard or someone that has removed their PCM 1. The removal of the horseshoe component is the same for Boxster, Carrera, and GT2/GT3 and TT. It has been covered many times here.
  10. 1. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...=maint_menu_car 2. Yes, the center console will need to come out to change out the handbrake. Probably a little more than 1 hour for all the work. 3. You can install it yourself in less than an hour (with hooking up the high beam control units). Folks that don't hook up the control units can install the headlights in about 5 minutes (instructions are in your owners manual).
  11. Some of the part numbers have been updated from the TSB. If you have a MY03 you should use Aerokit II parts - which uses double-sided tape.
  12. Porsche use Teflon tape and felt tape to solve rattles and squeaks.
  13. That makes a lot of sense - thanks for closing the loop on this (in more ways than one ;) )
  14. I only know of two or three tools that will clear an airbag code. The least expensive is the Durametric Software (about $255) next would be a PST2 (about $3300 used), a Baum Tool (about $4000 for the one that will rest Porsche airbags), or a PIWIS factory tool (about $18,000/year leased). I have a PST2 and many other members have a PST2 or Durametirc software - so perhaps one of us can help you out. Where are you located?
  15. OBD II codes? For what model year? Did you look at the the Quick Menu -> OBD II P-Codes?
  16. That part number is too short. Perhaps you mean 996.559.980.01.G2X Right Aerokit Cup sideskirt. You can buy the epoxy, and the various other small parts to attach them. See the TSB called Aerokit Cup Installation (all the part numbers are there).
  17. It is a Becker radio likely a CDR-220?
  18. Please do a search next time - this has been covered here several times. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=10388
  19. P1508 Torque Comparison Function Monitor - Signal Implausible Possible cause of fault - MAF sensor faulty or at fault detection threshold - DME control module faulty Fault Code 1314 - DME Control Module Possible cause of fault Signal from DME does not correspond to expected signal (please read out fault memory). Signal from DME does not appear on CAN drive (no signal/communication).
  20. Your car does not have an IACV. Your car has egas (since MY00 on Boxsters). On egas cars the idle is controlled by minute movements of the throttle butterfly and some very small holes that pass air even when the butterfly is closed. Do a search here for cleaning the throttle body - it's been covered many times.
  21. This topic is closed.
  22. My money is on a dirty throttle body and/or butterfly.
  23. Why it pays to buy the manual updates ;) This was not in my 1st rev manual (and BTW gen2 Cayenne's are different).
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