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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Please define "worth it". Everything there will you at best 10 RWHP and a better sound.
  2. Do a search here - we have covered how to remove the cluster and replace the bulbs.
  3. MY99-01 are Litronics. MY02-05 are Bi-Xenon. Mechanically they are very different.
  4. I have graphite grey in my car and it matches fine.
  5. Have a look at TSB 7/02 1001 Option X51 - Increased Engine Performance -- dated Dec 6, 2002
  6. The only change for MY01 was "In order to reduce the level of chain noise the intermediate-shaft drive will be converted from a roller-type chain to a tooth-type chain in model year 2001. Because of this the crankshaft, intermediate shaft and corresponding chain tensioner will all be modified". There were also some OBD II changes in MY01 for the (European) EOBD and the EURO 3 exhaust emission standards. I do not have the changes for MY00 - I have not been able to get my hands on a MY00 Service Information book.
  7. The stock dyno graph is in your Owner's Manual -- albeit averaged.
  8. Just a thought and don't crucify me, but has anybody tried sticking a lawn vac/blower nozzle up in there a bit to try to suck all that crap out? With the small nozzle on my Toro it will pretty much suck the chrome off of a trailer hitch if you position it right, or be as delicate as a toothbrush if thats what you need. Yes, and problem is it does not get much of it.
  9. That center cover (and the bumper it fits) changed in MY03 - I do not know if it will fit an older car.
  10. In a Porsche Sport Exhaust you apply power to a solenoid that actuates the vacuum valve on the muffler. A vacuum is required to pull a flap in the muffler to make it quiet. So, if the mufflers are not connected to the vacuum line or the electronics are not hooked up then the muffler are always open (loud).
  11. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=80894
  12. Yes, there is. It is called PST2 or PIWIS depending on the version. A PST2 is no longer made and a used one is about $3600. PIWIS is the current Porsche tool and it is $18,000/year leased.
  13. This is a duplicate of the post above? yes?
  14. And, what model year car do you want to put it on?
  15. I personally would change the pads before the light comes on. Rotors are not uncommon to replace on big heavy vehicles. Before they are replaced they should be measured for remaining thickness (within spec?) and checked for cracks. There is no blanket statement from Porsche about replacing brake rotors they always recommend the inspections I mention above.
  16. Chuck, Your TT uses the same latch.
  17. A normal gap will work - but I have only seen one 4 prong plug that needed the gap set (and I think tool Pants dropped that one - :lol: :lol: )
  18. Please do a search this has been covered here...
  19. Model year car? US or RoW? Standard front bumper or aerokit?
  20. I would start by inspecting the the cable connection on the transmission. One cable is for forward gears the other is for reverse. If everything there looks good then you need to remove the center console and check the cable connection and the bottom of the gear selector to see if the gimbal joint is worn or crackedc.
  21. Try 996.559.729.00 bracket for flap (4 per car)
  22. In a 997 the schematic shows both rear fog lights are wired to the rear control unit. This would imply that you could just move the bulb from one side to the other. If doing that does not work then they might have to program the rear CU with a PIWIS.
  23. To get Homelink to synch with some of the newer rolling code garage openers you need to press a button on the main opener unit (mounted on the ceiling) and then press your Homelink button within 30 seconds. Might be best to have two people unless you are fast down the ladder ;)
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