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Everything posted by Loren

  1. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2995
  2. The are test results using a PST2. A PIWIS can do the same test. You just get a shop to plug it in and then cover and shine a light at the cluster. The percent change should be as shown above. If it does not change then you have a bad sensor.
  3. P0491 Secondary Air Injection System, Bank 1 - Insufficient Flow P0492 Secondary Air Injection System, Bank 2 - Insufficient Flow Possible cause of fault - Electrical fault in power supply or line between relay and secondary air injection pump - Secondary air injection pump relay mechanically faulty - Mechanical fault in electrical secondary air valve - Pneumatic secondary air valve faulty/sluggish - Electrical fault in secondary air injection pump - Mechanical fault in secondary air injection pump or secondary air injection pump blocked - Vacuum system leaking - Air hose to secondary air injection pump slipped off or constricted
  4. According to the parts list the GT3 and GT3 RS use the same motor mounts.
  5. :welcome: Beautiful car - Seal Grey?
  6. The folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) just sent me this hot item... Super Sale 98-04 Boxster REAR SPEAKER KIT fits cars with rear storage box Reg $326.78 Now $129.86 Just click on Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost
  7. In series - so you disconnect the battery and put the meter in-line.
  8. There is a horn at the front left and front right near the fog lights. The front bumper will need to be removed.
  9. I use a current meter at the battery.
  10. Depending on options about 40-60 ma.
  11. That is my point - if you have a PSE (Porsche parts) then it defaults to open on the time. No, I did not make my sport exhaust I have a factory PSE.
  12. I do not know of any US law that would require the switch. The law here only requires it to be below a certain db level - and that is only in some states. My PSE did not trigger the noise sensors at Laguna Seca - and they are the tightest track I know of. Except for a few professional races per year you have to run "street legal" db levels. If you wire the flaps other than what they are as default (which IS open) then the PSE will always be quiet. Why would you do that? The PSE sounds like a stock exhaust in quiet mode.
  13. Be happy the pulley failure didn't take out the alternator - many times it does. Go through a few starts and stops and see if the ABS light clears. I have seen that before and sometimes you just need a few drive cycles.
  14. Unless you have a wiring harness problem - it looks like the DME.
  15. No relay so it is either the switch or heater itself. Short term you can pull fuse E4 and or A6.
  16. I suspect that if you replace the whole bumper it will work fine. My comments were about using the newer part on an old bumper (unless I misunderstood you).
  17. Only if the DME will allow a re-program - then it is likely still not a long term solution. The problem is usually not software - but hardware.
  18. Many times a PSM and ABS light on at the same time mean that either the brake light switch is out or the MAF is bad. Testing the brake switch is easy - just get someone to stand behind the car and tell you if they come on when the brake is applied. You need to take the car to an auto parts store (like Autozone) and get your codes read for free. Write down the code(s) (all of them) and report back here.
  19. From what you describe it could still be a bad alarm/central locking/immobilizer control unit. You need to find a shop with a PST2 or PIWIS tester.
  20. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=185
  21. If it is wet under the left hand seat then your alarm/central locking/immobilizer control unit is likely bad.
  22. Scouser has updated his excellent VIN Decoder. The VIN Decoder is here. Many thanks to Scouser for his continued efforts, work, and updates to this fine tool! :clapping:
  23. Have your cluster light sensor tested - it may be going bad.
  24. Ok, I am very confused here. On a MY01 Boxster the brake lights do not go through a relay. On a MY01 Boxster the only thing on fuse B7 besides the brake lights is cruise control - neither of which run up the A pillar. Perhaps something else is shorting out the brake light wires? Exactly what fuse blew?
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