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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Try 5004 or 5002
  2. I am going to close this as it just seems like "flame bait".
  3. The folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) just sent me several new Maintenance Specials... Coolant tanks as low as $77.35 Coolant tank caps - $11.80 Cayenne brake specials too... Check them all out at: Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost
  4. Try 3026 or 3024
  5. Try 1013 or 1011
  6. Try 4593 or 4591
  7. Try 4255 or 4257
  8. The CDR-23 functions on the MOST (fiber optic) network. When changes are made to items on the network a shop with a PST2 or PIWS (Porsche diagnostic tools) needs to re-configure the car. Many good Porsche shops have them and all dealers do also.
  9. I would just clean it off and see if it comes back. Lots of possible causes but if the car runs okay and there is no CEL you are likely fine.
  10. CDR-23 do not have security codes. If the CDR-23 is changed it has to be reset using a PST2 or PIWIS tester.
  11. Normal. Those are your hydraulic lifters - all the oil drains out of them when the car sits for several days. If you start the car every day you likely will not hear that.
  12. Try 4355 or 4357
  13. Bend a wire so that 12 mm is below the bend. Stop filling when you can see the oil touch the wire.
  14. Try 5190 or 5192
  15. Folks please do not start a new thread when one already exists. Lost Radio Code Thread
  16. Folks please do not start a new thread when one already exists. Lost Radio Code Thread
  17. Hmm... the parts list says they are all the same.
  18. That is B in the diagram - for the front transaxle.
  19. A is the inspection/fill plug. B is the drain plug. Fill until it at the inspection plug level (just before it overflows).
  20. If you have replaced the idle control valve and the throttle position sensor and cleaned the throttle body then you likely have an intake leak somewhere. You are only going to see that with an OBD II tool that can show air flow and TRA and FRA. Still it might not hurt to look for any pending codes.
  21. Looks like the MAF sensor connector to me.
  22. Try 1574 or 1576
  23. The Becker keys also work on many Mercedes.
  24. Bank 1 is the left side of the car (on a Carrera) cylinders 1-3. I have no idea what your readings should be with a supercharger. From the fault codes I would look for bad connections on the O2 sensor before the cat on the left hand side. Clean the connections and reset the codes and see if they come back. If the same codes come back - that O2 sensor is likely bad.
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