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Everything posted by Loren

  1. I think you need to do a leak down test to see what is going on with the smoke and oil usage. My guess is that the valve guides are worn and that the car needs a top-end rebuild.
  2. So, does your car have a radio or Porsche NAV?
  3. Narrow body cars would need spacers to use the 40 mm offset wheels. The rear offset should be 65 mm. The fronts are the same.
  4. You will not find a VIN on your engine but it is several places on the chassis. The VIN should be able to be read through the front windshield at the right front of the car. It is also on the driver door jamb sticker (along with the cars actual build date). The number on the left rear of your engine is the engine serial number (near the left rear wheel side).
  5. Not really any differences as I recall. The tailpipe clearance dimensions are different though. 28 mm from the top and 29 mm on each side.
  6. The opposite actually - it will clear any CELs. Of course if the problem is still there the CEL will turn back on.
  7. So, if the switch is normally open (which I believe it is) then when the car is in reverse (key on) - and you bypass the switch do the lights come on?
  8. What relay? I don't see one in the schematic. I think you need a voltmeter and start testing your wiring.
  9. You did not say if it is wet under your seat. That controller has your driveblock and alarm codes so if it is replaced it will need to be re-programmed to work with all of your keys and your DME. Any good shop with a PST2 or PIWIS tester can do that once they get the authorization codes from Porsche. Before you go to that expense I suggest you have a good shop (independent shop here in the US are usually less that half the expense of a dealer) with a PST2 or PIWIS look at the car and confirm that the alarm/driveblock control unit is faulty.
  10. :oops: those are just for the flywheel. Pressure plate is: 23 Nm (17 ftlb.) Transmission mounting as below:
  11. The switch gets power (+12 volts) from fuse B5 - so one side of the backup light switch should have +12 volts on it. The ground it made on each tail light side with all the other lights - so if the ground were bad then none of the rear lights would work (on each side). I think there is one connector between the switch and the lights - but you will need to check the wiring and connectors anyway. I assume you have replaced or tested the bulbs with an ohm meter?
  12. Initial torque: 25 Nm (19 ftlb.) Final torque: 90 degree turn
  13. Reach under the left hand seat - if it is wet there then you likely have a ruined alarm/central locking/drive block control unit. Also, take your battery out and have it tested at an auto parts store.
  14. Model and year of your car - please...
  15. No - those were replaced by 996.641.103.03.70C and will only fit MY98-99 Carrera 2 with 6 speed. You need the newer style LED cluster (they started in MY01).
  16. Try 6814 or 6812
  17. Folks -- if you have seat belt codes fix those first. That fix also includes fixing the grounds which could cause many other faults.
  18. Not on pre MY02 cars. Pre MY02 cars do not have the pyrotechnic ball belt tensioner that gets triggered on impact. The early cars only have the mechanical tensioners.
  19. Read the post above yours -- try codes 2 digits different from the first code I gave you.
  20. PLEASE - if you want a radio code - post here. DO NOT also send me a PM or email. Try 1004 ot 1002
  21. Try 3026 or 3024 Loren I did try 3026 and 3024 but they don't work? 1998 boxster with a becker radio CDR 210 serial # V5015340 model R 3297 Would you please try again Thanks I got thew same result. My program does not always work. It works maybe 95% of the time but I have no expanation why it doesn't always work. At this point you will need to contact a dealer or Becker. Becker charges to lookup your code and some dealers do too.
  22. Or any shop with a PST2 or PIWIS.
  23. Try 1013 or 1011 Thanks, That did the trick. Loren, It seems that I was mistaken the 1011 or 1013 code does not work. I have checked and my radio ser# is correct (15076978) Would you be so kind as to check for the code again. Thank you. 1013 is the code that I come up with - try codes 2 digits different from that code (i.e. 1011, 1009, 1015, 1017. etc.)
  24. Try 5004 or 5002
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