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Everything posted by Loren

  1. 2. Left front wheel liner 996.504.203.06. You will also likely want to buy a few spare plastic rivets since they sometime break in removal - 999.507.497.40 Plastic Rivet 1. Here is the parts list for the roof liner (for the convertible top). Perhaps you can tell what you need from it. my03_roofliner.pdf
  2. Please read some of the other posts here -- sometimes my code program does not work (or people give me the wrong serial number). In either case you need to contact a dealer or Becker. Becker charges for the service - some dealers charge also.
  3. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=23363 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=15494
  4. Try 8761 or 8759
  5. Well, the parts list does not show it so I guess maybe they removed it (not needed) or... I'm stumped. ;)
  6. Lift the wire clasp on the top of the bleeder valve.
  7. Sorry, to be dense here but I don't see it in the picture.
  8. Those are not bolts they are studs that hold the shield on. Or do you need the heatshield? If so, please specify left or right.
  9. Try 4667 or 4665
  10. Sounds like the condensation tube for the AC is not poking down to the outside of the car.
  11. For those of you that have not heard... John Dunkle posted the following on Oct 31, 2007. "Today, Rennlist.com was acquired by Internet Brands, Inc.. Internet Brands owns and operates many of the most pervasive on-line automotive enthusiast communities found on the Internet today. They include sites such as CarsDirect.com, CorvetteForum.com, Audiworld.com, MBWorld.org, etc." We here at RennTech.org wish to congratulate John and Jen on the sale and wish them the very best in their future endeavors. Truly they paved the way for all other Porsche forums that followed. More
  12. Last time I checked the Owner Manual was about $20-$25 at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost). For MY96 US car order WKD.993.021.96
  13. Porsche content here please....
  14. Only a dealer can look up that information.
  15. Loren, this is also true for the 987 Boxster/Cayman right? On a 9x7 series car the fuel filter is incorporated into the fuel pump itself. Under normal use it does not need to be changed.
  16. 955.620.841.00 MY06 fuel filter Please realize that you need to drain the fuel from the tank, a special tool to remove the insert to the tank for the filter. The fuel filter is under the left tank cap (the fuel regulator is under the right tank cap). Perhaps this something best done by a trained shop with the proper tools?
  17. :welcome: The Cayenne fuel filter is incorporated into the fuel tank and under normal use does not require changing.
  18. Not sure what you mean... Here is the diagram or do you mean muffler heatshields?
  19. There is still a MAF with egas - it is just a different version. The later design is less prone to dirt fouling. From the 2002 Carrera Technik Book: "The modified hot film air mass flow sensor HFM 5 is used, as was already fitted to the Boxster in model year 2000. With the C-shaped air duct, this air mass flow sensor is more resistant to contamination and water droplets, as these can only reach the sensor element after deflexion. A cross bore through the air duct reduces pulsation faults. Note: This air mass flow sensor must not be fitted in pre 2002 996 models, as the data records of the control unit are adapted to the corresponding air mass flow sensor." A – Sensor element B – Cross bore C – C-shaped air duct
  20. Green/Red would be the wire to the oil pressure sensor on a Carrera. A Boxster cluster should have nothing there.
  21. No B5 was not used on Boxsters. Are you sure you are on B5? If so, what color is the wire?
  22. Actually Tool Pants responded to your about the cluster - but that is the same question I would have had. I guess you could try and re-calibrate it with your PST2 but if that does not work I think you just have a flaky sensor.
  23. It is nice they are having a sale when you need one eh?
  24. Perhaps you mean P1124 and P1126? P1124 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Rich Threshold P1126 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 4 . 6) - Rich Threshold These codes mean your car is running too lean - and the DME can not correct for by making the mixture richer. This is usually caused by an air leak or an incorrect air flow reading. So check for leaks and try cleaning the MAF as Izzy suggested.
  25. According to the Nov 2007 parts list: The Caymans get the -53 filter. The 987 through MY06 gets the -60 and the 987 MY07 and newer gets the -53. I have no idea of the difference.
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