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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Sounds like air in the system to me. Anyone nearby that you can borrow a power bleeder from?
  2. Are you using a pressure bleeder or the pedal? You are bleeding both fittings on each wheel? Another possibility is that the master cylinder is leaking back (or other leak).
  3. Hmm... how many miles on your car (rotors) now? Porsche rotors have very little extra metal for turning. If there is much wear most shops will refuse to turn them (because they will end up below spec). http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=10379
  4. Probably obvious - but have you tried a new battery in the key fob or your 2nd key fob? Both key fobs likely have the same age of battery?
  5. I was saying "you" should send them an email - info@durametric.com
  6. Unless the bolts are worn I see no need to replace them.
  7. Thanks for the quick reply, Loren. No not bumperplugs, I want to mount the german plates on my 03 Box S. I got a set of German plates with plastic black dealer frames but all I have is the standard "square" looking holes in my bumper. When trying to mount the frames to the car, it seems that I don't have any screw inserts in the square holes, either that or I need different mounting screws. (holes feel empty in bumper) if that makes more sense. Any ideas? Thanks Here is the parts list for a MY03 front bumper (it shows both RoW and US license mounts). You can pick the parts you are missing. my03_front_bumper.pdf
  8. I would suggest that we all hold off on this thread until someone has facts - otherwise it is just speculation. Besides Porsche should be notifying any owners affected.
  9. Here is the pic (poor quality) of the issue in the TSB. This is inside the tank - the fuel pump is at the bottom of the pic.
  10. I would put Lotite on them. When Porsche uses Loctite it is usually for a good reason.
  11. Try 2615 or 2613
  12. I'll let you know when I see the TSB on it... ;)
  13. Perhaps a Porsche Workshop Campaign but not a recall. All US "recalls" are found at Office of Defects Investigations (NHTSA)
  14. :welcome: Do you wan the license plates mounts (if so, US or RoW) or... do you want BumperPlugs like this...
  15. Try 0853 or 0851
  16. Sorry, I don't have a cab so I would just be guessing - I had hoped the diagram would look familiar to you.
  17. They say this but in practice with my car it does not work. I put the key in the door and turn the lock. Immediately the alarm sounds - it sounds as soon as the doors unlock. Note: I have not opened the door at this point. I then have to race to put the key into the ignition and press the button. I'm not sure if once the alarm goes off I can turn it off without putting it into the ignition by just pressing the button. I will try next time.....But simply unlocking it and not opening it doesn't work in my case.... not sure why... Jeff And your car is an RoW car? (I am guessing) They are different alarm systems.
  18. Yes, there is a pressure line (item 8) and a return line (item 9).
  19. Try 0934 or 0932
  20. As long as you do not have the performance kit (with the 19" rotors) the 17" wheels will fit fine. (per TSB 10/04 4440 Winter Tires and Wheels -- dated Sep 15, 2004)
  21. From the GT3 Owners Manual: "The remote-control standby function switches off after 5 days If the vehicle is not started or unlocked with the remote control within five days, the remote control standby function is switched off (to prevent discharging of the vehicle battery). 1. In this case, unlock the driver's door with the key at the door lock. Leave the door closed in order to prevent the alarm system from being triggered. 2. Press button 1 on the remote control. The remote control is now activated again."
  22. :welcome: Like many rear engine and mid engine Porsche's the transmission and differential are a shared unit. I think I would start by replacing the gear oil with Porsche approved gear oil. As you say you've owned the car 9 months so unless you know what gear oil he/she put in then it is a possibility. There is a DIY here. Be sure to pay particular attention to the Boxster specific instructions.
  23. You need to read and post here: Lost Radio Code - post your request here
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