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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Back on topic please - this thread is for those that own one of these tools & are willing to help folks.
  2. Yes, together. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=83062 Thanks Loren. Now I know that my Lo speed fans are not working. At one point only the passenger Lo speed fan came on at the lower temp. And "our famous Tooner"(Sorry I have the word Looser on my mind) tried to convince me that Only the passenger Lo speed fan comes on at the low temp setpoint!! But he even somehow managed to disable the Pass Side Lo speed fan on one of my many drop-offs at his shop after his allegation that the "job was complete". Thank you again. The fans are controlled by the DME which is getting (shared) information from the cluster. This is why Todd said it was important to get all the pieces that work together. There is a lot of communication on the CAN bus on the MY02 and newer cars that just was not there in the MY01 and older cars.
  3. Please using Search next time... Hood/Trunk Latch Release Removal/Install
  4. Hmm... I just went through the 9 page list of Porsche approved oils (dated April 11, 2007) and Amsoil is not there.
  5. It would be helpful if you would state the model and year of car... (it does vary by year)
  6. Yes, together. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=83062
  7. I would think no more than 1 hour of labor - it should only take a few minutes.
  8. Hmm... without the power assist to the steering that may be normal. There is some resistance and noise when you move the steering gears without the fluid pressure.
  9. :welcome: PCM 2 Installation
  10. LOL - 1 to 1 conversion schematics? Those don't exist unless you or Todd whats to create them. You need a service manual with schematics. Please read through Todd's posts (in other threads) to see where he got the pin tools. Replacing a car harness is a 2 day job - even for someone that is familiar with it. I don't recommend it.
  11. Most dealers do not both to bleed the ABS unless the system has been open (i.e. lines or components replaced). I have a PST (and PIWIS) and and I usually do not bleed the ABS on my own car.
  12. Yes, a dealer or any shop with a PST or PIWIS can do it. It is more of a question of "if" they will. Liability issues and perhaps a waiver if you cause any engine/cat damage. And, yes it is reversible.
  13. I would check the two cable connections in the deck lid and the passenger side chassis. If you follow the cable near the deck lid fan it goes to a connector. Follow the cable to the chassis near the passenger side tail light.
  14. The rear battery is just used for the starter. The main electrical system battery is the one under the front seat.
  15. Well, I have a 996 so I haven't done it - just helped people get the info. Please do re-post the process with pics.
  16. The relay goes in position 16. If you have a relay there see if it is 986.615.103.00. If it is - then replace it with the 996 relay.
  17. Here is the picture of the connector and wiring diagram - this should help a lot (note the 4 on the plug).
  18. The only place I have seen it discussed is in the clutch pedal R&R section.
  19. What year is your car? - the lens on MY01 is different than MY02 and newer
  20. From the Owners Manual: "The remote-control standby function switches off after 5 days If the vehicle is not started or unlocked with the remote control within five days, the remote control standby function is switched off (to prevent discharging of the vehicle battery). 1. In this case, unlock the driver's door with the key at the door lock. Leave the door closed in order to prevent the alarm system from being triggered. 2. Press button 1 on the remote control. The remote control is now activated again."
  21. My house is available from 9 AM to 5 PM on Saturday (Nov 17). So everyone is welcome. I have most every tool, and the Durametric Software, a PST2 and a PIWIS. Anyone that needs directions can just PM me.
  22. It would likely help if you... 1. Did a search on the subject (it has been covered many times). 2. State the model and year of your car - as different solutions are available for different models.
  23. You will need the DME schematic for a 7.8 DME and you will need pin removal/insertion tools.
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