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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Sorry, I don't recall how many clips. If you have the IR sensor off then you should be able to just pull the defroster trim off.
  2. Could have been spilled when adding oil after an oil change. If your oil level is normal I wouldn't worry about it.
  3. There are several TSBs from Porsche on noises (creaks, buzzing, rattles, etc. etc.). Most of the fixes are as simple as Teflon or felt tape.
  4. Just don't ruin a rotor. Pads are a reasonable $320 per set. Rotors will run you $5400 EACH.
  5. I think the lug nuts on the spacers are the same as most 70-90's model Porsches so those same (McGuard type) locks should work. But if you want to be sure just take a lug nut into a good accessories shop and see if they can match it.
  6. Ride height and stiffness (RoW is lower and stiffer).
  7. Boxster S - US M030 with Tiptronic
  8. :welcome: The late model Carrera 5 spoke wheel came in - Fronts: 7.5 x 18 offset 50 mm 8 x 18 offset 50 mm Rear: 10 x 18 offset 65 mm Chances are the fronts are 8 x18.
  9. Try 5067 or 5065
  10. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=27954
  11. I don't understand... if the spoiler always works with the manual switch then the hydraulics of the spoiler are fine and don't need anything. Chances are you have an intermittent microswitch on the spoiler.
  12. Sorry, I can not do that - that is copyrighted material.
  13. The 17 mm spacer fit differently than the 5 mm spacers. The 17 mm spacer get put on first with the original wheel bolts. Then you mount the tire on the exposed studs and tighten the log nuts provided. The 5 mm spacer are just screwed on to the wheel hub and then you use the longer (red) wheel bolts. The 5 mm kit looks like this.
  14. The TT service manual does not say one way or the other. The Carrera service manual definitely says no anti-seize. I personally don't see a need a for it and it can cause more problems than help. Here is why I think so... The heads a light alloy and can be easily stripped. The spark plug torque is only 22 ft/lbs. If you are not careful you can get anti-seize on the electrode(s). Most folks think that any lubricant on the threads will affect torque values. On cast iron head engines (and wheel lug nuts) I would use anti-seize but not on light alloy parts.
  15. Not a good design then... Porsche should know better...
  16. Here are the parts that are available:
  17. Odd that the service center would say that... The service manual simply says you have to remove the glove box and bend the metal tabs back to get the old airbag out. Installation just says to bend the metal tabs back when installing the new airbag.
  18. Does it always work with the manual switch? If so you can rule out the hydraulics. If you car is under warranty then it should be covered.
  19. Are they required for the wheel fitment? Or is it a personal preference? Any negatives to running them? Not required - optional as long as they are TT spec wheels. No negatives that I can think of.
  20. The oil pressure sensor should be tested. They have been know to leak and fail.
  21. Porsche says 17 mm are ok on the rear and 5 mm on the front. They only say no chains with the spacers.
  22. Please do a search here - this has been covered many many times...
  23. There were a number of software upgrades that are documented in TSBs. If the upgrades have been done then it is likely that your PCM is bad.
  24. You can replace the airbag if you are very careful - be sure to disconnect the battery and leave the car sit for a while. A compete dash replacement is a very big job too.
  25. How thick are the spacers ? Are the lug bolts red?
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