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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Mirror tilt is covered in your Owners Manual and has also been covered here (please do a search). Do a search for daytime running lights also. On a 996 you have to do some wiring and add a relay (on US cars) to add daytime running lights. For 997s it is a programmable software switch.
  2. There are not many things to program on a 996. Door locks - yes. Mirror tilt - no. Mirror tilt is only on cars with memory seats and is programmed through the seat controller. IS the Dension a fiber optic CD changer that is MOST compatible? If not , it will not work with your radio (CDR-23).
  3. Yes, you may need to have the firmware upgraded again. Really - the shop should have thought of that.
  4. Try 6639 or 6637
  5. Most of the E codes from that time (1984) were Exclusive option codes. I do not know what E44 is but here are some I do know: E0 Wood dash and door panels E03 Leather dash vents E04 Leather instrument knob and switches E07 Leather shifter and handbrake E11 Leather console and tunnel E12 Carbon fiber console E13 Leather power seat switches and frame E15 leather seat belt locks and housing E21 Aero Kit (non turbo models) E22 Aero Kit (turbo models) E70 Leather package E71 Maple Burr Package light E72 Maple Burr Package dark E73 Carbon Package
  6. 99664210502EFR PCM Control Unit (replaced by 996.642.905.04.EFR) 99664212200EFR Computer (replaced by 996.642.122.03.EFR) These are PCM 1 parts and the two parts must work together (by serial number) and will only work in a MY01 or older 986 Boxster or 996 Carrera. The last number is an older amplifier (M680 with digital processing). Unless someone has a broken PCM 1 or want s spares the NAV parts are very outdated. Also, the PCM 1 is pretty hard to retrofit since the wiring is not here on cars that did not have it. You can post it for sale in the For Sale - Parts forum if you like and see if there is interest. The amp and 6 disk CD changer are more popular options. But I doubt either will much more than $100 each... again you are welcome to post them in the For Sale - Parts forum.
  7. Perhaps it would be best if you listed the part numbers of what you have...
  8. It looks like PCM 2 so it will only work in MOST equipped cars (MY03 and newer Carrera's).
  9. You can also contribute by credit card - it uses the same PayPal interface but it does not require you to join PayPal. If you want to do that then just click on "Pay with Credit Card" (or "Don't have a PayPal account?") depending on your browser. I have sent you both PMs with more info. Thanks!
  10. See the attached list. You may need to replace any damaged nuts and or bolts from removing the old lower control arm. Everything will need to be properly torqued again. You will need an alignment and proper selection of shims (1 mm is standard) for the amount of negative camber you want. Also, watch your wheel widths as big tires may rub with enough negative camber. Expect very poor type life with anything more than -1 degree - this mod is really for track junkies. I think Porsche MotorSport has a few more shims for serious racers (at their serious racer prices). 997gt3_lower_control_arms.pdf
  11. We have added and/or updated TSBs in the following categories (2 TSBs total affecting 5 models): Boxster (987) - 2 Carrera (997) - 2 997 TT - 1 997 GT3 - 1 Cayman (987) - 2 Special thanks to Contributing Member paulv for these. :)
  12. Country Code Lookup has been added to the Option Codes Lookup. Enjoy... Option Codes Lookup Special thanks to Contributing Member Richard Hamilton for compiling the list. :)
  13. The o-ring is on the gas cap. If your new gas cap did not have one you need to get one. On US cars the EPA requires that cars pass a fuel vapor leak test prior to operating. So each time your key is turned the EVAP system in your car tests the integrity of the fuel vapor system to make sure you are not leaking fuel vapor into the air. I don't remember what year this rule went into effect but it has been in all US cars for at least 5 or 10 years. If it turns out not be the gas cap (or it's o-ring seal) then you need to do a search here for further troubleshooting tips. Also, please remember once the problem is corrected, unless you turn the CEL off with a diagnostic tool it can take two or three days of driving (drive cycles as prescribed by the EPA) for it to go off by itself.
  14. 996.561.787.00.01C Black Cap -- US List $17.63 I am sure the folks at Sunset imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) can get you a better price.
  15. A replacement will vary based on the options your car had (cruise control and OBC). Most of them run about $250 US List price (I'm sue the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) can do better than that price). Changing one out is the same airbag, steering wheel removal process found in the OBC hack documentation. Might also be an easy time to upgrade to the OBC stalk while you are at it.
  16. 1. C10 Switzerland (emissions for Switzerland) - so check to see if that is legal in your country. 2. No, those should be gen 2 PCCB - which are much better than gen 1. 3. I do not know about other countries - in the US most cars come with 2 primary keys and 1 valet key. I always suggest potential new owners look at all the service/repair records that previous owners and shop will let them look at. If you are getting it from a Porsche dealer then ask for a Porsche CPO.
  17. To get the (best guess) code for your CDR-210 we will need the serial number from your radio. You can get it electronically displayed through the front panel or pull the radio out and read it off the back.
  18. Turbos are the same as a standard TT - intercoolers are the same as GT2.
  19. Try re-training the windows. Hold the button down until the window goes down all the way - hold in final position for 10 seconds. Then do the same for the up motion.
  20. An X50 and GT2 share the shame muffler - that is the only exhaust difference from a standard TT. The manual transmission is also upgraded for X50.
  21. My mistake it is RoW - you are right PET does not ID the kit as RoW but if you look at the individual part numbers they are RoW. It is for a Tip though.
  22. No, an airbag light can only be turned off with the Durametric Software, a PST2 or a PIWIS tester.
  23. How to become a Contributing Member
  24. Unless you are using oil or there are signs of oil fouled plugs I wouldn't worry.
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