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Everything posted by Loren

  1. You do know the battery tray has several holes for the hold down bolt? All the size 48 batteries I have seen fit fine. Just make sure it has the vent tube and that you hook it up Unless you have a huge stereo a 650 or 750 or 850 are all fine. Porsche factory batteries are 70 and 80 AH.
  2. Yes, and yes. The need a PST2 or PIWIS tester.
  3. P0134 Oxygen Sensor Ahead of TWC, Bank 1 – Interruption of Signal Open circuit in signal wire or ground wire. Oxygen sensor heating not functioning. Output stage in DME control module faulty. Internal resistance too high. Possible causes: – Wiring harness – Oxygen sensor – DME control module P1119 Heating of oxygen sensor ahead of TWC, bank 2 Heating current too high. Heating current too low. Open circuit. Internal resistance of oxygen sensor too high. Possible causes: – Heating resistance too low – Short to B+ – Short to ground – Corrosion in connector – Break in wiring except for a few litz wires – Break in wiring – Heating resistance too great – Open circuit in sensor line – Oxygen sensor How many miles on the car? Any other fault codes?
  4. Sorry, the bumper re-enforcement (the metal impact bar behind the C4S/TT bumper cover) is shorter than a C2/C4 (narrow body). Here are some pics from doncapecod's conversion (thanks Don)...
  5. Hmm... did you think to look at the electrical contacts in the door (hinge side) connector?
  6. On a TT a M9670-643 generates 420 BHP. (On a GT2 (different turbos, exhaust, etc.) it generates 462 BHP.)
  7. What is the exact model and model year of the car?
  8. The bumpers are the same part number. Did they use the bumper re-enforcement from a TT or C4S? -- it is shorter than a Carrera bumper re-enforcement. I have seen Carrera bumper re-enforcements cut also.
  9. Well, they should top up the fluid to start. Then they should run the full PST2 or PIWIS diagnostics. Check the Tip program version - update it if needed.
  10. :welcome: Most likely a leak and at least one bad seal somewhere. Most AC shops can test and find the leaks pretty quickly. If the system has been open (or leaking for a long time) chances are the dryer will need to be replaced along with the leak fix.
  11. You should read this thread about water in the brake booster (more common on MY99 and older cars). http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=79485
  12. We have added the factory maintenance schedules for the Boxster/Cayman (987, 987c) to the Maintenance Checklists here. You can access the Maintenance Checklists (for all models) from the drop-down menu (Online Docs Menu).
  13. Your dealer (or Sunset Imports) can order the tool for you. See the part number below.
  14. The fix is fully documented in a Porsche TSB. All Contributing Members here can read that TSB (online here).
  15. How many miles on the car? What has the dealer done to the Tip so far? Changed the fluid? Read the diagnostic codes? Any parts replaced? Reprogrammed the Tip controller?
  16. Option Codes Lookup -- now includes Cayenne Gen 2. We have added in the option code lookup tables for the Cayenne Gen 2 (2007 and 2008 models) - all 397 of them. You can lookup option codes on all models from the drop-down menu (Online Docs Menu).
  17. In this case... 30 = unswitched power K76 denotes which is 76 on the left hand margin and K on the top margin schematic location (in this case it is on sheet 8 of the schematics - which is most of what I posted above) 31 = ground M78 denotes which is 78 on the left hand margin and M on the top margin schematic location (in this case it is on sheet 8 of the schematics)
  18. And the color codes on the wires going to the connector are?
  19. Here is one in Santa Monica http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=82492
  20. You can only program your PCM (and any other MOST network components) with a PIWIS tester.
  21. Only if you can find a shop with a PIWIS tester.
  22. Yes that is the sport design kit pictured. Item 7 - 955.044.800.75 Sill cover -- MSRP $1192.49
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