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Everything posted by Loren

  1. A PST2 could re-program your DME (so that would repair any program errors) - but I doubt that is the problem. I would look to see that all the electrical connections at the DME are clean and tight. (I split this topic off from the Diagnostic tool registry thread - it belongs here.)
  2. Congrats and :welcome:
  3. I have not heard of anyone cutting the PSE resonator out. The PSE sounds very good as it is - especially if you leave it open all the time.
  4. Try 4875 or 4873
  5. A MY2006 Cayenne uses: 955.618.040.10 control unit coupling The plug kit is correct for all years.
  6. Probably as long as you can make a mounting for them. Some of us have gone the other route and installed Griots air horns. They are very small and at least 3 times louder than the stock horns.
  7. As I recall the screws in the kit are self tapping - so little or no need to pre-drill. Just mark the spots and drive them through (or if you must pre-drill then use a very small drill bit).
  8. You will likely have to cut or break the old grille out. The new part gets put in from the back side and just snaps into place. What RFM is saying above is you might be able to put it in without removing the bumper (which is about a 90 minute job).
  9. Find a reputable (Porsche) shop in the area and get a PPI. Dealer extended warranty plans vary from state to state (because of state insurance laws) - so you will need to ask where you live. The only way to get a Porsche CPO warranty is to buy from a Porsche dealer. Hope that helps some...
  10. No flames needed... just look them up in the Glossary of Technical Terms here. :D
  11. I am not trying to dis the shop - I just don't understand why they would not look at the simple more routine cause of that type of problem (which is a dirty throttle valve and ICV). IMHO - changing the DME would be a last resort.
  12. I would still start by cleaning the throttle body and idle control valve. That remove them as a variable. A new DME is about $1500.
  13. The tranny is a 6 speed C/2 Then start by cleaning the throttle body and idle control valve.
  14. The size is correct - but the most important spec is the wheel offset... which you did not state. It should be printed near the valve stem.
  15. We just checked his VIN - it is a X50. :D
  16. Please scan/read this thread as getting the serial number to display is described a few pages back. How about... cr210 R3297 V5008293 Thanks Much...Long trip home without music Try 5416 or 5414
  17. Please scan/read this thread as getting the serial number to display is described a few pages back.
  18. Your VIN does me no good - I need the serial number of your radio.
  19. One more time - You need to find a shop or Porsche dealer(OPC) with a PIWIS and ask them to program it for you.
  20. Since you have to replace every battery in about 4-5 years I see no need to purchase an expensive one. You just need a "good" one.
  21. This is for a Boxster but basically the regulator is the same. http://www.bombaydigital.com/boxster/projects/window/
  22. With all due respect - no it is not part of the windshield. It is attached by a self-adhesive. Porsche published a group of TSBs for the 996 on this retrofit - but the 997 is different I suspect you will need to add some wiring for all the parts then have them turned on with a PIWIS tester. It can probably be done but I have yet o see anything published from Porsche - so you would need to have a look at the wiring diagrams and make sure you get all the right parts. BTW the rain sensor part is different depending on whether it is a coupe or cab AND whether or not you have the dimming mirrors.
  23. Yes, Porsche "tunes" their suspension systems to weight and weight balance of the car. It is your choice but I would stick with the version for your car.
  24. If you mean option I7VE auxiliary heater with timer - I think it is quite a chore to install. I think you are looking at electrical harnesses and lots of coolant hoses and re-routing. The parts would also depend on your VIN number. Here is an example parts listing... aux_heater.pdf
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