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Everything posted by Loren

  1. I know this is a long thread but "how to display your serial number" is covered here... please have a read.
  2. Check your option codes under the front hood. As far as I know all cars were delivered with either standard suspension (no option code in most cases) or sport suspension M030.
  3. Ok, we need the color (or colour in your case) dots on the spring. Should be two color dots together for spring type and for spring tolerance.
  4. Try 6391 or 6389
  5. Actually the Option Codes Lookup is available to all Members - just not Guests.
  6. Boxster Front: 298 mm Rear: 292 mm Boxster S Front: 318 mm Rear: 299 mm Boxster S uses the same brakes as the Carrera.
  7. I have not put AMG wheels on my 996. You would need spacers that are 20 to 25 mm -- if the bolt patterns would match up. I personally wouldn't recommend any spacer over 17 mm - just too much stress on bearings and bolts. There are lots of used and low cost wheels for Porsches.
  8. No the control unit is for mixing the low beam with the high beam when the brights are on. Auto-leveling can not be retrofit - it is only available from the factory. The only trick to adding the control unit is having a pin tool for the electrical socket - or being willing to splice into an existing wire.
  9. Well, the actual replacement would be pretty easy. Just remove the front bumper and remove and replace the AC condensor. I would guess I could do it less than 1 hour. But since you have had a leak they will likely need to recharge you AC and test that it will hold pressure. If it was open for long you may also need a new AC dryer (desiccator). Do you know the part number for the air con radiator? Thanks 996.573.111.00 Condenser -- US MSRP $351.89 See our friends at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) for a much better price.
  10. As long as the wires are long enough it should be pretty easy.
  11. Well, the actual replacement would be pretty easy. Just remove the front bumper and remove and replace the AC condensor. I would guess I could do it less than 1 hour. But since you have had a leak they will likely need to recharge you AC and test that it will hold pressure. If it was open for long you may also need a new AC dryer (desiccator).
  12. Um... most of those on car pics are coilovers (like PSS9's). Of course I thought he was looking for pics of a RoW M030 lowered car :blink:
  13. We would need to know the sizes and offset. They are likely going to be smaller. For example my AMG CLK55 uses front: 7.5J x 17 offset 37 mm and rear: 8.5J x 17 offset 30 mm You will want at least a 7.5 x 17 offset 50/55 mm for the front and at least a 9 x 17 offset 55 for rears for your 996 C4 (per Porsche spec).
  14. That will depend on what you need to do. The camshaft positioning tools are helpful when re-timing them. Otherwise I think most of the tools are standard engine building tools (i.e. piston ring compressors, circlip tools, etc., etc.).
  15. The existing lighter socket is to European specs and many US accessories do not fit well. So, many folks just change them out for the later version US socket.
  16. Try 2290 or 2288
  17. Reliability of 996 Engines Be sure and check the photos of the tear down.
  18. As long as you have reliable jack stands this is a simple at home fix.
  19. There were at one time but the vendor's delivery got very spotty - and folks complained. So, after several complaints they were removed. Too bad, they were a fair price and looked quite nice.
  20. Item 5 - 996.504.129.01 Cover, rear -- US MSRP $91.60 Try the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) for a much better price.
  21. Ok, now which items? include any fasteners
  22. Please tell us what model and year your car is. And, if it is a US/Canada car or RoW.
  23. Try 4668 or 4666 Loren thanks, but neither of those codes worked... I ran through the TP button down procedure and the displays shows Type 4467 if thats any use... thanks james Sorry, then you will need to contact your dealer or Becker.
  24. I think your onboard computer network control unit may need to be reset or it may be damaged.
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