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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Please.... READ READ READ. This has been answered numerous times already in this same thread.
  2. The dash switch was optional. If your mufflers have the valve then they are PSE.
  3. Try 6966 or 6964
  4. With all that power and RWD only you are going to have some oversteer - much like th Porsche's of the 70's. You might be able to tune a little out but you will never get to neutral handling. It takes a very experienced driver to drive a GT2 fast (IMHO of course).
  5. Follow the link below - your request needs to be posted there. Lost Radio Code - post your request here
  6. Try our friends at Sunset Imports (Porsche parts at Dealer Cost). I think there price will be much lower... 996.613.535.00 switch
  7. Try 0713 or 0711
  8. Try 9134 or 9132
  9. You need to post your request here: Lost Radio Code - post your request here Click on the link and then Add Reply to the existing message thread.
  10. The cost should be minimal but IMHO a good dealer would do it - simply because it is a known problem.
  11. Try 6717 or 6715
  12. 996.106.501.54 Be sure to use new screw-type hose clamps.
  13. The best thing to do is remove the transmission and inspect the damage. My advice would be that if they replace the RMS - replace the IMS also (and use the newer sealed bolts). The clutch and flywheel are easily inspected at the same time.
  14. P0456 Evaporative Emission System Leak Detected (very small leak) Most likely a loose gas cap. P0513 Immobilizer Approval - Signal Implausible DME or key problem. None of those other codes come up in any of my books. In this case - you should have the codes read with a PIWIS.
  15. Looks too small to be either seal... mostly likely a piece of clutch facing or ???
  16. Try this... Put you hand on the heater core after the engine is warmed up and at operating temperature. The heater core is in the center under the front hood near the battery (follow the two hoses). It should feel warm. If it does then the problem is the the heater controls under the dash or a bad air flow temp sensor.
  17. I would start with an under car inspection. Look for loose or badly worn swaybar bushings, muffler heat shields rubbing, and spin the wheels and listen for noises.
  18. Two possibilities come to mind. As RFM said - the headlight switch. These are a fairly common failure that can result in all kinds of strange lighting issues. Once you have confirmed the headlight switch is either okay (or new) the I would guess the light sensor in the cluster may be bad. To easily confirm that you would need the Durametric Software, a PST2 or PIWIS tester.
  19. You can go the original number (4814) and add or subject by 2. Sometimes that works - sometimes you have to contact a dealer or Becker.
  20. Try 1968 or 1966
  21. What model year please?
  22. Get a PPI and if you are buying from a Porsche dealer get a CPO warranty.
  23. Try 4814 or 4812
  24. RFM is referring to the two solenoids that lock the front and rear latches when you lock the car. I guess if one of these solenoids is bad it might make a buzzing sound.
  25. The alarm/immobilizer/central locking control unit is always under the left hand seat - regardless of whether it is LHD or RHD.
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