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Everything posted by Loren

  1. The easiest way is through the leather side panel on the passenger side center tunnel. Just unsnap it and pull it off.
  2. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=4822 Search is your friend...
  3. Yes, there is only one. Technically they stopped offering it as an option a year or two before your car was built.
  4. If you have the phone prep option (standard in US/Canada cars) you would have switched and unswitched power at the bottom of the front center console. You don't have a location in your profile - so I can't tell...
  5. The loop doesn't hook anywhere. That is the rear lid release - if it is open then it is already released.
  6. We have added and/or updated TSBs in the following categories (5 TSBs total affecting all models): 997 TT - 1 Carrera GT - 1 Cayenne (gen 1) - 1 Cayenne (gen 2) - 1 Literature -1 (Master TSB Index - all models)
  7. :welcome: Please use our Search feature - this topic has been covered many many times.
  8. I suspect that if the engine isn't warm then the oil will drain very slowly. If you still had the two quarts of drained oil - I would put them back in - warm the engine up then drain both the tank and crankcase.
  9. :welcome: Have a look at the DIY... Oil Change Instructions
  10. Try 5417 or 5415
  11. Generally, only the lights and airbags wiring are different between US/Canada cars and RoW cars. If I look at the schematic for 996TT it does not appear to have changed. Perhaps a previous owner rewired it?
  12. Sorry, the only place the code is besides on the card from the delivering dealer is possibly in the DME Vehicle Info page. Only about 30% of the cars I have seen actually had that entry in their DME so I wouldn't count on it. Besides you need the Durametric Software, a PST2 or PIWIS to see that information. Here are the best guesses for your radio code: Try 3506 or 3504
  13. Are you sure your car is a Canadian build car? Did you check it with the VIN decoder? If you are sure it is a Canada car then start by checking for the double relay in positions 6 and 7.
  14. Just an FYI... an X51 package modifies the head for better oil return as well as adding another oil return pump.
  15. All I can tell you is that if you look at the replacement parts list for standard and X51 engines it says to use that 997 part number for the windage tray. The old number for the assembly (996.107.243.40) comes up in the price list but not in the parts list - go figure.
  16. So are your pads Porsche parts or after market? Here is what the Porsche parts list says:
  17. How are you waiting? The wait time is "drive time". Try 5009 or 5007 HAHA..you are correct...dfrive time for the first 2 hours...now it is sleating and snowing a bit. I'll give these a try. Thanx SOO much. Loren, Tried the 2 codes ..no luck..any other thoughts? Again thanx for your time and help. You can go the original number (5009) and add or subject by 2. Sometimes that works - sometimes you have to contact a dealer or Becker.
  18. It would be easier if you gave me the part number on your new pads.
  19. H+R sells a bunch of springs - some lower a little some a lot.
  20. How are you waiting? The wait time is "drive time". Try 5009 or 5007
  21. The pad design has changed for 987 Boxster S. Your local dealer should be able to give you more information on what changed - and they should have sold you the correct parts to go with the new pads. As I recall... pads, sensors, and retaining clips all changed.
  22. The blanket replacement windage tray (for 3.4 and 3.6 liter engines including X51) is the now same part number as used on the 997. 997.107.243.00
  23. :welcome: Please read the many previous posts on this and the seal. A Porsche dealership is supposed to remove the old seal and measure the crankcase opening and report those numbers back to Porsche Germany. If the case is out spec Porsche will usually pay for a replacement engine and the owner pays for the installation (labor). If the engine is within spec then usually the owners pays all costs (on average $1000-$1300 for the RMS repair - additional repairs i.e. clutch would be more).
  24. Read the previous pages of this thread.
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