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Everything posted by Loren

  1. I have not done this on a 3.6 yet but I doubt the bumper cover will need to come off.
  2. The doors are not the same on a 986 and 987 - the most notable part being the mirror wings.
  3. Not too hard with the right O2 sensor socket. 1 - Oxygen sensor ahead of catalytic converter 2 - Oxygen sensor after catalytic converter
  4. Folks if the needle is straight up on the gauge - that is normal. That is the way Porsche has designed it's gauges for years (even the race cars had the tach rotated so that max RPM was straight up and down).
  5. Your second post has been deleted. Please do not double post.
  6. P2096 Signal Delay Time for Oxygen Sensor Ageing - Above Limit Possible fault cause - Oxygen sensor I would clear the code and see if it comes back. If it does replace the sensor.
  7. Try 9302 or 9300
  8. To add to what Todd I think you only get the dot matrix display if the OBC is on. From the MY03 Boxster Owner's Manual
  9. Yes, I agree with RFM - you are bypassing the safety stop. In an accident you could shear off the seat bolt. I think I would want some kind of stop there.
  10. I don't have a Tip but it looks like it is held in place with the 4 clips just like the 6 speed boot. The service manual says nothing - so my guess would be that you just pull straight up like the 6 speed boot. Item 30 in the diagram.
  11. Really... that is so unlike Porsche. Don't the Cayenne's have a custom wire harness?
  12. There is not gasket on the cam cover - just a bead of sealant. It has been discussed here before. It is best to borrow or make a "cam holder" but not essential.
  13. The heated steering wheels were options - just like the wood steering wheel so I doubt the wiring or controls are there.
  14. :thumbup: Great job! Many folks were likely afraid of the 4WD -- until they read this. Thanks.
  15. Old is a relative word - if you bought it new today (or had it replaced under warranty) you would get 955.642.204.11. There is likely very little difference.
  16. See the A and B dimensions? and D is the flat at the bottom of the ones. That sets them at the proper angle and distance.
  17. Where are you located? I will do it for free if you are local. Hey Loren, if I make the road trip to your neck of the woods, would you extend the offer to me? Sure :D
  18. If you want a plastic one instead of metal (yes, it seems everyone has raised the price on these) then just find one with 14 flutes and 74 mm diameter.
  19. The 997Turbo rear tires are spec'ed as 305/30 ZR 19 according to the Porsche TSB. This is the same for the 997 C4S.
  20. I have not seen a Traffic Pro installation TSB from Porsche for a 993. This is one for the 996, and 986. Here is a diagram of the Traffic Pro wiring connections - perhaps this will help.
  21. Please have some patience... Just the Tiptronic portion or the whole center console?
  22. Try 8825 or 8823
  23. Try 7752 or 7750 Please Read - Read - Read -- I have covered this many times in previous posts here.
  24. I have no idea if this will work on the older radios like this. But here goes... Try 4985 or 4983 Sorry to ask, but how do you enter 9 and 8. The radio only has 1 through 6 with no second function that I can see. Thanks. Sorry, I don't know that radio well enough to tell you.
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