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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Item 1 in the diagram is the part number Scouser is asking about.
  2. Yes, if you read the alarm fault codes with the Durametric Software, a PST2, or PIWIS tester. It will likely tell you where the alarm faults are.
  3. Did you try to order the old part number (996.107.243.40)?
  4. As of January 2008 the only side vents listed in the parts list are titanium metallic - so I think you would have to paint them. US MSRP $55.79 each
  5. Are you sure there was no ice/snow on the sensor? It is out there in the open.
  6. Randy - I have merged your two topics - please do not double post.
  7. Do you mean the lid for the passenger airbag? (item 44)
  8. You need to look and see what is missing. There are plastic nuts and self-tapping screws that screw into expanders. Tell what is missing and I will look them up.
  9. PCM 2.0 is not PCM2.1. So, I do not know if they could/would upgrade you to PCM2.1 (since 2005 had it).
  10. Have you seen (Cayenne Gen1) TSB 12/05 9153 Satellite Radio Installation Instructions (I No. QV4 QV8) -- dated Jun 13, 2007? As a Contributing Member you can view that here online.
  11. This RennTech does not have a Mercedes site (even though I own an AMG Mercedes). I have thought of starting one but Mercedes technical info is harder to come by than Porsche - hard to believe but true. Renntech Mercedes had a site - I do not know if it is still up. Their site is about selling their tuner cars and kits.
  12. Yes, the new kit works on both 996 and 997 series cars.
  13. Hi Loren So is it exactly same as the 997 GT3 RS Orange? Thanks Yes.
  14. Hi Loren... Is this the link you mentioned? The pictures are quite good...But do you think I can find instructions on how to pop out the AC control unit (what tools do I use...etc) and how to secure it in the new place (where do I place the AC Unit brackets?) It seems that the manual sections (Boxster Technical Manuals Groups 6/7) I mentioned above cover exactly what I am looking for: 68 17 19 - Removing and Installing the Center Console 70 18 37 - Disassembling and Assembling Instrument Pannel Do you know how or if I can get a hold of these? Thanks, Gustavo Um... you have to buy manuals. They were over $2000 when they were in print. The upper console has been covered here many many many times.
  15. The correct number for a MY04 Cayenne S is: 955.504.962.02 Wheel-well liner FYI... 955.504.962.00 was replaced by .02 version 955.504.962.01 was for the Cayenne Turbo and it has been replaced with 955.504.962.03 Do you have all the mounting hardware? Self tapping screws and their expander nut as well as and plastic nuts.
  16. Yes, it is on the Porsche approved oil list (that you as a Contributing Member have access to). Here in the states you can find a 74 mm 14 flute wrench at Autozone, Kragen, Pep Boys, etc. Just about everybody has them as the same size fits Mercedes and BMW.
  17. I don't have a problem with folks naming the bad shops/dealers as well as the good ones. Just as long as it doesn't get turned into a naming calling flame thread - just the facts please and first hand experience (not hearsay).
  18. I agree with RFM but realize that Castrol SRF should NOT to be mixed with any other type of fluid! So you will need to do a complete flush and refill/
  19. Um... if you read the Porsche TSBs for installing the Aerokit side skirts - the instructions say to screw the side panels to the chassis. "Using a hand drill and a phillips head bit, screw in the 3.5 x 16 countersunk sheetmetal screws for the retaining strips."
  20. It would be best to state your exact location (or add it to your profile) as warranties and laws concerning them vary from country to country (and state to state in the US).
  21. The B&M short shifter center console instructions are quite good for that part and the upper center console has been covered many many times here.
  22. Just do a reverse of TSB 7/00 6830 Cupholder Installation -- dated Nov 3, 2000.
  23. Perhaps you are buying those cheap "Made in China" switches on eBay? The Audi switch works well or you can change the whole switch and lock assembly to the new style and say goodbye to switch problems. (A couple hundred dollars as I recall).
  24. Yes, they are separate and different horns. The alarm horn is next to the battery. The steering wheel horns (there are two) are behind the front bumper on the right/center. If you have a RoW car the alarm systems are different still. The bottom line is still: You need to have your alarm controller fault codes read with the Durametric Software, a PST2, or a PIWIS tester to see what the fault codes are. That will pinpoint your problem.
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