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Everything posted by Loren

  1. 900.067.117.09 bolt -- US MSRP $0.21 each
  2. Try 0317 or 0315
  3. The seal TSB says 2 hours 20 minutes. The seal MSRP is $245.22 and special cleaner is used MSRP $8.47. The mechanism TSB does not give a time estimate (perhaps because they were all supposed to be done while cars were still under warranty). The retaining frame repair kit has an MSRP of $1255.73 and the lift mechanism repair kit has an MSRP of $656.39. Did you ever report the problem while you were under warranty? If so, I think they have an obligation to fix it for you under warranty. You could always ask for a regional PCNA rep to review your issue...
  4. High mileage role call 125,000 plus 117,000 111,000 just to name a few....
  5. There are TSBs for Targa's manufactured before October 19, 2004 that changes the glass sliding mechanisms - primarily for rattling noises. And another TSB the change the glass seal (for cars manufactured before December 3, 2004). If these have not been done to your car they might be a good place to start.
  6. Good for mine! thank you very much! Gary You are welcome.
  7. In many cases the O2 sensor is identifying another problem and is not the problem itself. You need to have the fault codes read at your local auto parts store and report back here all the fault codes. There are over 1000 things that can turn on a CEL and only a few are O2 sensors - even then the fault code will tell you which one (of the 4 on your car).
  8. Thanks for the quick reply. RFM seems to be heading in the same direction. The leak seems to originate higher on the engine, as you suggest and then finds it's way over the tail pipe and down. I'll inspect the area more closely and give it a good wipe down to clean off any residue , drive and look for new run off. Time to order a coolant tank (and cap if your cap does not end in 01). Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) has both on sale - Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost $274 for the tank and $12 for the cap. If you decide to tackle this yourself - there is a DIY here.
  9. :welcome: Perhaps this will help. A summary of MY1968 models...
  10. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=78411
  11. Try 8799 or 8797 many thank Loren, i will try it now Hi Loren, Sorry to bother you one more, i Gave you a wrong #,it should be 48/98 instead of 48/49.Could you send me a new code . Thanks That does not matter - only your serial number is needed.
  12. No radio code for the CDR-23. If it is the same radio that came with the car it will recognize it.
  13. Try 4967 or 4965
  14. I disagree - if you can do an oil change then you can do both minor and major service too. i agree the services can be done on ones own....but should a problem arise...cant the dealer blame it on not servicing it at porsche and void warranty? Not unless something silly is done like forgetting to put oil back in.
  15. Most likely a cracked coolant tank. The water pump sometimes leaks too. Those are the first two I would check.
  16. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=60336
  17. Yes, it does mount above the mirror mount and the wires run into the upper console with the mirror wires (if you have self-dimming) - so they likely look like one. From the Installation TSB... "The rain sensor functions according to an optical principle. It is fastened to the inner side of the windshield near the interior mirror and mounted in the swept area of the windshield wiper. (Figure 1). The rain intensity is measured with infrared light, and the windshield wiper pause intervals are controlled automatically."
  18. No you do not have to be a Contributing Member. At the bottom of a new post you will see a Browse button. Click that button and find the image you want to upload. Once selected - use the Upload button to actually upload the image to the site here. Then you can use the Manage Current Attachments (drop down list) to add the image to exact location that oyu want it in the message (use the + sign to add it). Likewise you use the X sign to remove an image. If you do not use the plus sign to add the image it will still show up - it will just be at the end of your message.
  19. can that really be the problem? i noticed lately that every time i fill up i get a code soon after, 0446 i believe, and now i started getting these 2 that were discussing here... P0446 EVAP Canister Shutoff Valve (Function) - Below Lower Limit Possible causes: - Purge air line blocked. - Flow resistance of EVAP canister too high.
  20. Yes, those are for widebody cars and have different offsets.
  21. Can you take a pic for us?
  22. How to Post Images
  23. That is the part number for the PASM option - for both cars.
  24. I disagree - if you can do an oil change then you can do both minor and major service too.
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