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Everything posted by Loren

  1. How did you get your serial number? Through the front panel (as suggested)?
  2. Porsche content here only - please. http://www.dmv.org/ca-california/smog-check.php
  3. The Retail Price Search feature (for our Contributing Members) has been updated to reflect February 2008 pricing for the US (only). We try and update this on a monthly basis as the price lists come available to us. For February 2008 the price lists support: US: 218,495 parts Canada: 209,209 parts (December 2006) Thanks to Contributing Member Porschelibrarian!
  4. Yes, it would be a straight swap. No programming required.
  5. READ this thread - it tells you what to do if the code I give you does not work.
  6. Try 5006 or 5004
  7. It will look like the image below - just not glossy.
  8. It is a 2002 Carrera 4S. Thanks!
  9. Yes, it will fit. It is a two person job to install it (to keep from scratching things).
  10. We need to know the model of your car and model year to get you the correct color codes for the spoiler wires.
  11. :welcome:
  12. We still have not seen PDF files from Porsche of this. You can easily order an Owners Manual from Porsche for under $20. WKD 997 221 08
  13. He is referring to Porsche Technical Service Bulletin (TSB): 1/04 1945 Operating Noises of The Additional Coolant Pump -- dated May 25, 2004 Porsche TSBs are available here to view online by our Contributing Members.
  14. Check the battery - especially if it is 4 years old or older. My money is on the battery or a bad ignition switch.
  15. The Porsche book says 6-7 hours. What city/state do you live in?
  16. Hmm... it does look like something struck it to me. I would take it to the best machine shop in town and ask if they can re-weld and machine the damage. FYI... cylinder head complete -- MSRP $2566.08
  17. Well, IMHO your car needs to be looked at. It does not sound to me like you have a major problem (very few folks actually do). As these cars age some of the plastic and rubber parts are going to deteriorate enough to need fixing - that is a fact of life on any 10 year old car. You could have a cracked AOS bellows or cracked coil packs or some other intake leak. If you have a warranty now - take the car back and tell them that a CEL is unacceptable. If they are not qualified to find to the problem then they should take to someone that is - and they should pay for it - that is what the warranty is for.
  18. That is a very odd problem. What did the crack look like? hairline or did it look like something hit it? The head and cam cover a machined matched set - so both have to be replaced.
  19. Have your dealer review TSB 4/99 6420 Noises at the Windshield and Rear Window -- dated 7-13-99. They need to insert two layers of foam rubber cord and reseal the window.
  20. Actually it uses both. A rod is used for the key entry (outside) and a bowden cable is used for the interior release. So a conversion kit could use either. (item 21 and 26 below)
  21. Just pull from the bottom back edge (front of the car towards the back). There is a hook on the front so it needs to come off from the back first.
  22. The switch for ParkAssistent and reverse lights is in the shifter for Tiptronic vehicles.
  23. :welcome: It could also be the wrong spark plugs if they were recently changed. If your CEL is flashing (not solid) the car should not be driven as it will damage the cats.
  24. Position logo with the dimensions X = 332 mm and Y = 20 mm on the rear lid and press down.
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