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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Bad news... all Porsches have a custom wiring harness that is made to the original order spec. That means you would have a lot of work to add in the wiring - not that it can't be done - it will be a lot of work though.
  2. There is a TSB (16/07 2820 Bar Ignition Modules (Coils) -- dated Jul 5, 2007) that states that all the older style coils should be replaced with the newer style (948.602.104.03). if your car is under warranty - this would be free to you. If not, it is still highly recommended. If you have broken one off you will need tweezers (or compressed air with safety glasses) to carefully remove the pieces.
  3. PIWIS (Porsche Integrated Workshop Information System) A special computer used by dealers and shops to program and test various control systems in Porsche cars. A PIWIS costs about $18,000 for the first year of the lease and about $12,000 per year thereafter.... so only the larger shops have it.
  4. I am pretty sure that needs to be re-programed with a PIWIS tester.
  5. The leak below the the crankshaft is the IMS (intermediate shaft seal). When they replace that they should use new micro-encapsulated bolts (or it will leak again). You should not have to re-map your DME but it would be wise to reset it by removing the battery for 5 minutes so that that it can re-learn it's adaptation.
  6. :welcome: You don't want to know... :o I bought a used PST2 for about $3600. A PIWIS lease is $18,000 for the first year and $12,000 per year thereafter.
  7. Hmm... I don't know if it will work without a code. A CDR-23 is a MOST bus (fiber optic) radio and it expects to get its code from the DME. One of the older radios would likely be an easier update (i.e. CDR-220).
  8. Yes, I use the K&N charger - then wrap it in newspaper overnight to absorb the excess oil.
  9. 996.645.140.01 was replaced by 996.645.140.02 which was replaced by 997.645.140.02. The parts list says they are interchangeable - I do not know the difference.
  10. :welcome: Please do a search here. Similar problems have been covered many times here.
  11. It never ceases to amaze me how a dealership can make a mistake like that - they are supposed to have "Porsche trained" techs. You need to come to one of our Work on Cars Days - we will teach you how to change your own oil - it is very easy (and about a quarter of the cost you just paid). An easy way to remove a small amount of oil is to remove the oil filter and pour out the oil in the filter. Then put the filter back on. Since you are local, if you want some help with this send me a PM.
  12. :welcome:
  13. Yes, it should work fine.
  14. That air pump only run for a minute or two at startup (typically) - so I guess it didn't have enough "fault time" to move it from pending code to actual code.
  15. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=11923
  16. So the relay was completely gone from your car? Perhaps the previous owner did not like the vacuum cleaner sound at startup? ;)
  17. The ones I've seen/installed came with everything except the bolt.
  18. :welcome: Fronts: 955.521.819.00.SXJ Left headrest with Porsche coat of arms in sand beige/sand beige (MY08) -- Retail $184.48 (as of February 2008) 955.521.820.00.SXJ Right headrest with Porsche coat of arms in sand beige/sand beige (MY08) -- Retail $184.48 (as of February 2008)
  19. Have you contacted the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost)?
  20. Could be just a bad cluster - have they tried a different cluster?
  21. After reseting the DME it will take some driving to get the idle and power curve adopted. I am surprised that you changed the MAF for an idle problem. The MAF does nothing at idle - you can even disconnect it and it won't make any difference until the higher RPMs. If you had/have an erratic idle it is more likely a dirty throttle body and/or an air leak in the intake somewhere (loose hose, loose clamp, AOS failure, or oil filler tube failure, etc., etc.).
  22. Sorry, I think you are going to need to call a dealer or Becker. Last time I checked Becker charged $30.
  23. The serial number is on a label on the radio or on some models you can press a series of keys and have the serial number displayed in the readout.
  24. Looks like the (engine side) accelerator cable and grommet needs replacing. The part number for that cable is 986.423.229.04 and the grommet is 986.423.331.00. If by chance the accelerator cable is undamaged then you just need to replace the grommet. But the cable will need to come off for that.
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