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Everything posted by Loren

  1. 1. Yes, 44 psi is the factory recommended for 18 inch tires. Chassis stiffness - Porsche stiffened the chassis starting in MY02. 2. Then they are a knock off of BBS. There are a number of similar wheels by Fiske, HRE and I am sure many more. 3. Good luck with the dealer.
  2. Wide body shocks vs. narrow body car, travel differences - plus weight differences. I doubt they would work very well.
  3. I would look for a leaking water pump. It would make sense to open the front engine plate and check the polrib belt and the pulleys too.
  4. :welcome: 1. Porsche recommends 44 psi the rear tires - but they do not recommend anything over a 285/30 x 18 for MY99 and older cars. 2. Looks like BBS LM to me. 3. Write down your VIN and call your local dealer and ask them to look the VIN up in their database. Hopefully, there will be a record there.
  5. No VarioCam fault codes? That would be unusual - but I won't say impossible. The key is if the actuator is replaced - and if the problem persists. For your sake I hope it does fix it.
  6. :welcome: Yes, but you may need to transfer the tailpipe tips - I am not sure if the C4S tips will line up properly on narrow body cars rear bumper cutouts.
  7. Yes, left side on most cars is drivers side - but we do have folks from the UK, Australia and Japan here too. Check the connections at the seat belts are plugged in at the B-pillar and check the connections under the seat including the large bundle of wires that are tied to the chassis ground. You are looking for corrosion or signs that things got wet there.
  8. Depending on the color the correct seat belts for an RoW MY02 and newer car should start with 996.803.981.04 (left side) or 996.803.982.06 (right side). In the US they were required in MY02 but I am not sure if Porsche put them in all countries cars. Have you checked to see if they are plugged in? Also, you might check the ground connections under the left front seat (remove the key from the ignition or the air bag light will come on).
  9. GT3 Check for loose or badly worn sway bar bushings. In a few cases the problem has been worn drop links. C4 You need to find out if it is a sway bar busing or drop link OR a loose upper strut mount/bearing. The latter is fairly common on the early C2 and C4. See TSB 1/99 4085 Noises From Front Springs/Struts -- dated 9-10-99.
  10. 13806 is the Bosch number (I think). Are you sure they are properly plugged in? Because it is acting like they are not connected.
  11. Hi - I lost my manuals and radio card (wisely stored in house, which burned down) in the October San Diego wildfires (Saved the boxster, though!). Forgot this when I recently disconnected battery. Now I can't reactivate radio. Boxster 2002 CR-220 Type 4462 Serial: 15005427 "24/99" VIN#WP0CA29862U622175 Thanks alot for any help. Try 7306 or 7304 Loren - Thanks, but neither of those worked (unless there's a trick to entering them that I forgot). Any other possibilities? Thanks again Dave Diamond Read THIS THREAD for other ideas and/or solutions...
  12. Try 9960 or 9958
  13. Hi - I lost my manuals and radio card (wisely stored in house, which burned down) in the October San Diego wildfires (Saved the boxster, though!). Forgot this when I recently disconnected battery. Now I can't reactivate radio. Boxster 2002 CR-220 Type 4462 Serial: 15005427 "24/99" VIN#WP0CA29862U622175 Thanks alot for any help. Try 7306 or 7304
  14. That is what is strange those are not buckle codes (there is a TSB for buckles and ground connections). Buckle codes are 44 through 50. I wonder if someone put old (prior to MY02) seat belts on the car without the pyrotech devices? that is very strange... Where do you live?
  15. Correct - option 220 is LSD (Limited Slip Differential).
  16. Fault 23 Driver's seat belt tensioner Fault memory/warning light Fault 25 Passenger's seat belt tensioner Fault memory/warning light Fault 27 Ignition circuit, passenger Fault memory/warning light Did you change the seat belts or remove the seats?
  17. Both are standard US suspension (not M030).
  18. MY00 Boxster chassis ground points
  19. 74mm 14 flute - $3.99 at Pep Boys (3/8" drive) The DIY is exactly the same as the 996 DIY. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7055
  20. From Porsche's TSB Approved Oils - Tiptronic Transmission ATE Super Blue is the same as ATE Typ 200 Gold - their properties are exactly the same.
  21. :welcome: Did you see this: Turbo LCD Gauge/Instrument Cluster Upgrade
  22. All 997's (so far) use the same MAF. Whether 3.6 or 3.8 they are all the same part number. 986.606.125.01 (yes a 986 number) and it is used on: GT3-1 (996) GT3-2 (997) CGT 996 MY02 and newer (3.6 liter engines) 986 MY00 and newer with re-programming required of the DME (exception: special edition spyder)
  23. Loose hose clamp or perhaps the new tank was cracked putting it in?
  24. I also have a leak coming from around the tank area. One problem, the coolant tank was replaced a few months ago and therefor is new ! I came back from a "spirited" run to find coolant dripping quite badly from very close to the top of the black overflow tube (Under the top of the resevoir lip). It looks like the coolant is "tracking" around the back of the resevoir and dripping down beside the overflow tube? No coolant is coming out of the overflow tube. I cannot see where the leak is coming from. Could it be the new tank has failed, or is there a coolant pipe leaking that would allow the coolant to travel around the top / back of the resevoir and drip off the lip? Any help appreciated. Have you check the tank cap? If the part number ends in 00 it likely needs to be replaced (with the 01). Seems all of the 00 part number caps eventually leak.
  25. My understanding is that the XSU Lowered Seats option is accomplished by providing a 10 mm thinner seat bottom seat cushion.
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