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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Try 5122 or 5120
  2. Try 3080 or 3078
  3. As RFM said you will need the Durametric Software, a PST2 or PIWIS to reset the airbag light.
  4. A few of the really good shops have it too - but it is quite expensive so I doubt many small shops have one. You could also find a shop with an older PST2 tester - it will work fine on your car and give the same diagnostics (on your model year) as a PIWIS. Most dealerships upgraded to PIWIS and then sold their PST2's to independent shops so they are much more plentiful.
  5. :oops: Sorry, my comment above was for RoW 030 (don't know what I was thinking) -- for PSS9's it is the same for C4 and C4S.
  6. Jorge - see TSB 3/00 6315 Installing Cup Aerokit -- dated Jul 21, 2000
  7. :welcome: You say you checked the fuses - did you check the one on back of the radio? Is this a CDR-23? What year and model car please?
  8. From Porsche's Technik Technical Information Book (when the 987 was introduced)... "A new tire generation with larger rolling circumferences has been developed for the new Boxster/S series to complement the new wheels. The primary aim in developing this new generation has been to achieve a marked improvement in the tires’ performance, thereby lending the Boxster an even sportier character. The tire circumference has been increased by 2.5% on the front axle and 5% on the rear axle. The larger rolling circumference increases the side wall height/tire width ratio in comparison with the previous Boxster (986) model to guarantee an appropriate level of comfort despite the larger wheels. At the same time, the tire widths on the rear axle of the new Boxster/S have been increased from the predecessor’s 16" / 225 mm to 17" / 235 mm. In the absence of the predecessor models’ 16/17" basic tires, the new 17/18" summer tires now serve as the comfort oriented tires. They offer high quality, sporty handling combined with good driving comfort. The 19" summer tire replaces the previous 18" tire when the focus is on sportiness and agility. It offers a substantial increase in performance. The new tires have permitted a noticeable increase in the amount of force that can be transmitted both in the longitudinal and transverse direction. This results in a high level of agility and, at the same time, driving safety. A reduction in the braking distance is possible with the new tires, particularly the 19" tires. These improvements are made possible above all by the specially selected rubber compound for the tires and the new tread design."
  9. 996.505.989.02.G2X front bumper primered Realize that does not include the lower spoiler/splitter. (996.505.986.00) All this and mounting instructions are in the TSB.
  10. For legal reasons (and the safety of your children) this is something you may want the dealer to do.
  11. The part number is in the Tequipment section of PET - I can't believe a dealer can't find that :rolleyes:
  12. On a 997... "The key switch for switching off the passenger’s airbag and the Isofix attachment bracket for the child seat are not installed at the factory. They can be retrofitted by an official Porsche partner (see Owner’s Manual)." Switch off the passenger airbag on the key switch using the vehicle key. A – Switch position ON – airbag is active. B – Switch position OFF – airbag is switched off. Note: Risk of serious or mortal injury for passenger if passenger airbag remains switched off after the child seat is removed. The passenger airbag must be switched on when the child seat has been removed. When the airbag on the passenger’s side is switched off (see Owner’s Manual): - warning light “PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF” is continuously lit when the ignition is switched on - the message PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF is displayed by the on-board computer. Deactivation is acknowledged with an acoustic signal. The retro-fit kit is part number: MY05 (997,987, 987c) - 997.044.800.13 -- MSRP $272.15 MY06 on - 997.044.800.13 -- MSRP $231.36
  13. Sorry, to hear that. That is certainly the first one of those I have heard of.
  14. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5 Could be just a bad sensor - there have been a few of those.
  15. Try 1298 or 1296
  16. Just center at the very edge of the lower spoiler.
  17. Not a stupid question - yes, the 997 engine oil change procedure is the same as the 996.
  18. Try 2937 or 2935
  19. Try 0462 or 0460 Thanks for the quick reply. I'm puzzled, however, at how to enter the code. Currently the screen is showing "Wait". What's my next step? Please READ through these posts - it's all been covered here many many many times.
  20. Have you tried cleaning the sunroof slide rails? Sometimes sticky rails can cause erratic actions.
  21. I am pretty sure Tool Pants has covered this here before. I have watched him drill the old one out so I think that is the only option.
  22. Try 0462 or 0460
  23. Just drop me a message or one of the moderators and we will take care of it. I have already done so in this case.
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