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Everything posted by Loren

  1. 999.571.076.02 Headlight tool -- MSRP $11.99
  2. Do not let it get the control box under the drivers seat (that is your central locking/alarm control). Very expensive. Do a search here on drains - I have posted diagrams for both coupe and cab.
  3. I think it is law in the US - so that you don't mistake fogs for brake lights.
  4. On US cars there is no bulb on the right side and only the one fog light is wired.
  5. Look for a bad ground. An ohm meter should help you find the problem.
  6. Have a look at the Adjusting Hood Latch Mechanism DIY... http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5619
  7. The 997 has a different part number 997.645.140.02. Sorry, I do not know the differences. The 996 change does not have a superseded part number.
  8. Homelink did not come out (for Porsche) until the 9x7 series cars (and the Cayenne). As I recall there are two pieces - one that goes behind the front bumper and one that is in the mirror. I doubt the 997 mirror will work in a 996 since it attaches to roof rather than the front windshield.
  9. Either can be used. You need a PST2 or PIWIS tester and then follow the procedure in TSB 5/02 9120 Activating the CD Radio "Porsche CDR 23" -- dated 10-11-02.
  10. Try 8240 or 8238
  11. That has all been covered in this thread previously (several times).
  12. There is a TSB on this...
  13. Look for a Brown/Blue wire from the original radio connector and remove the pin and tape it (or cut and tape the wire).
  14. The radio/nav wire is in the connector plug (unless you cut it off).
  15. Durametric usually fixes errors pretty quick when folks tell them about the error. NAV/Radio wire (when using after market) -- Taped up and tucked away.
  16. Try 0327 or 0325
  17. Fault code 54 Radio receiver defective Do you have an after market radio? Fault code 33 Passenger compartment: monitoring sensor faulty Bad passenger compartment sensor? Fault code 42 Wrong key or wrong transponder pill Sometime a bad transmitter battery will give this code - especially if you reset it by reversing the battery. Fault code 60 Central locking limit position 'Locked' not reached Most often caused by not having the door shut all the way and hitting the lock button. Personally I would erase these codes and see if they come back.
  18. Good info, Loren. Are these also the ranges for a 987S? Thanks. Yes, the 9x7 series use the same DME (so far).
  19. The 6 ranges are: Range 1: 7300-7500 RPM Range 2: 7500-7700 RPM Range 3: 7700-7900 RPM Range 4: 7900-8400 RPM Range 5: 8400-9500 RPM Range 6: 9500-11000 RPM You really don't need to worry about anything other than ranges 4 to 6.
  20. Sorry, for your trouble. XenonMods was removed from our Special Offers section here after delivery and responses became very "spotty". Here is a thread of previous experiences... http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6386
  21. Just an FYI... Those manuals are missing pretty much the last 50 plus updates (which is several thousand pages).
  22. I see two MY08 Cayenne's on my latest salvage list so it might not be as long as you think...
  23. Thanks Loren - but is there any benefit to unplugging the battery so the DME gets the new MAF parameters when going from the 125 00 to the 125 01 MAF, or won't it make a difference? And any thoughts on whether the idle issue I mentioned was related to the MAF or just a coincidence? Yes, anytime MAF work is performed you are changing it's base reading. So, disconnecting the battery for 5 minutes then reconnect it and let the engine re-learn it it's idle and power program.
  24. Yes, my mistake (Porsche has made this very confusing). If you go from the 124 00 to either 125 00 or 125 01 then you need to re-program.
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