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Everything posted by Loren

  1. They likely left the key in the ignition when they removed the seats (that sets off the airbag light). You will need to find someone with the Durametric software, a PST2 or PIWIS to reset the airbag light. At this time those are the only devices that can do it. Where are you located? Perhaps someone here can reset it for you...
  2. I would start with the battery - if it is over 1 year old then it can easily go bad. Also, have you added anything electrical or electronic to the car (that could cause a power drain)?
  3. Hmm... are you sure they aren't triple-square bolts? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_Square_screws
  4. Ah... you had the key in the ignition when you removed the side airbag connector. Hope someone close can help...
  5. The wheel width and offset should be next to the tire valve. Hollow wheels (must) have metal valves. As I recall there may be a part number on the inside of the wheel too.
  6. You can try wiggling the switch and seeing if the results are different. If it were just one headlight I would lean towards a bad connection at the light but since both do it I think I would suspect the headlight switch first.
  7. You are welcome.
  8. Because of the "lazy" cranking I would check the battery on a reliable tester and if it is okay then start looking for a poor chassis ground.
  9. A 993 holds about 11 (US) quarts.
  10. Try 9504 or 9502
  11. Harbor Freight - $4.99 (everyone should have a set of these IMHO)
  12. The parts list only shows the high flow pump for the GT2. But the GT2 also has a different fuel tank (no 4WD) - so I don't know if that would make any difference.
  13. The ATF is cycling through the cooler (along with the coolant) so there are those lines and main pan gasket. I would inspect those first.
  14. can i get part number for black "carrera" badge for 2001? thanks 996.559.237.06.70C Carrera logo in rally black -- MSRP $24.52. thanks Loren! do you happen to have the instructions of placement on the rear lid....below the ridge on 99-01? again, thanks http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=24349
  15. That TSB is about cooling hose clamps - so if they were leaking that most likely would be coolant. I am in Roseville so if you can't find the problem - perhaps I can have a look at it.
  16. Did the PST2 or PIWIS say it was setting activating the radio? Perhaps it would make sense to disconnect the "other devices" and see if the radio works again.
  17. Did you try the button on the fuse box front (near your left foot)?
  18. can i get part number for black "carrera" badge for 2001? thanks 996.559.237.06.70C Carrera logo in rally black -- MSRP $24.52.
  19. Sorry for the quality of the diagram but this is the quality of the pic in the service manual. Item 5 is the wrench.
  20. If the engine changes (for the better) without the MAF plugged in then the MAF may or may not be working. The only way to tell for sure would be with a diagnostic tool that can read the MAF air flow. Please do a search here as cleaning the MAF has been covered many many times.
  21. If you can find someone with a PST2 or PIWIS there is a test you can run that will tell you if the switches are working right. If the switches are working then, it either has to be the motor or wiring.
  22. All 993's (normally aspirated and turbo) have two oil filters. One for the engine and one for the oil tank. The one on the engine is obvious but the oil tank filter is behind the wheel well liner near the tank. Lot's of oil for lubricating and cooling on the air cooled cars. My 1976 911S (2.7 liter) took 12 quarts.
  23. There was a note on the parts list (to dealers) specifically to not put 3.4 liter mufflers on a 3.6 liter engine. I assumed they had a good reason for it (internal differences?).
  24. Try 4542 or 4540
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