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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Check the electrical connector (do a search here as this has been covered before). If the connector is in good shape then you likely need a new sender.
  2. Got a first reply back - they are talking to a guy in Germany. Should have an answer by Monday or Tuesday...
  3. If you look at the Wheels & Tires TSB for the Cayenne (Gen 1) it says 295/35 x 21 as the max size on a 50 mm offset wheel. I know Wheel Enhancement sells some Cayenne 22' wheels - you might check with them.
  4. You can download the Becker Owners manuals here.
  5. Try 4369 or 4367
  6. Yes, sorry typo on my part.
  7. Try 8797 or 9795
  8. Try 0981 or 0979
  9. It connects via fiber optics (MOST system) - which a MY2000 does not have.
  10. If they are hollow wheels then they need the full metal (with rubber doughnuts) valve stems. Yes, somewhere along the way they stopped putting the width and offset on some wheels.
  11. Your serial number looks too short. Is that off the label or display?
  12. They are likely rusted. Drive the car carefully for the first few miles and they should clean up.
  13. I sent my favorite German tool supplier an email. I'll let you know what he says...
  14. Which radios fitted to Porsche can have their unlock code recovered through serial number? - CR-220/CDR-220 - Becker - CR-210/CDR-210 - Becker - Traffic Pro NAV/CD - Becker Which radios can not have their unlock code recovered through serial number? - CR1 - Alpine - CDR-23/24 (or later) - Becker - PCM (Porsche Communication Management) – Siemens & Becker How to get your radio serial number? CR-220/CDR-220: Hold down the TP button for at least 10 seconds after you turn the radio on. "Becker 1" will be displayed. Rotate the right knob (slowly) and it will display the Becker model number. Then rotate it again and the serial number should be displayed on the radio. Or, if the radio is out of the car the then the serial number is on the label. CR-210/CDR-210: Press tone, then 8 and 0 simultaneously. "Becker" appears. Press station up arrow on right. "PR-VERS" appears. Press one of the numbered buttons below the display, directly below the LCD arrowheads (try a few). The model number will appear. Press station up arrow on right. "SERIAL N" will appear. Press the numbered button again. The serial number will appear. Or, if the radio is out of the car the then the serial number is on the label. CDR-23 (or later): These radios do not have a security code - that is, not that the user enters. These radios are security tested on the MOST (fiber optic bus) system to see if they are the "programmed" radio. The radios are programmed and recognized by the car’s DME and can only be replaced by a shop with a PST2 or PIWIS. These radios will not request a code when battery power is disconnected. Traffic Pro: Select the Service Menu, press NAV and multifunction key 10 simultaneously in radio mode. Use multifunction keys Nxt and Prv or turn the right control knob to select the individual items. You can move through the following items: - Model-No. - Serial-No. <-- this is what we need - Changer Reset - GAL - Radio Software - Radio Bolo - Navi Rom - Navi Flash - RTC Value To quit the service menu, press END. I get a WAIT on the display - what do I do? You have to wait at least 30 minutes before trying again. The suggested number did not work - what do I do now? Most often when the code we give you does not work it is because the serial number came from an old card in the car rather than from the procedure stated above - or a typo in the serial number submitted. Double check the serial number you submitted using the procedure above again. If that does not work then you will need to contact a dealer or Becker. Becker charges to look up your code and some dealers also charge. Our program works maybe 99.9% of the time but we have no explanation why it doesn't always work. Can you give me a code for my PCM? These units are manufactured jointly by Siemens and Becker, and the only place where you can get the codes required is from the dealer/OPC. The PCM’s require two codes, the ICS/Siemens code, and a Becker code. The ICS is the first code requested. Sorry, the only place you can get a PCM code is from a dealer/OPC. Can I post my VIN to get a code? We do NOT need your VIN - only your radio serial number. Where can I post my lost code request? Please post your request here: Lost Radio Code - post your request here Please DO NOT PM me or email me (or anyone else helping with the codes) your radio code request - we will only answer requests in that one thread.
  15. The parts list (March 2008) calls the large bolt "hexagonal-head bolt M16 x 1.5 x 48". Have you tried a hex socket on it?
  16. Sorry, but your MAF does little or nothing at idle. Have you checked for pending fault codes? Sounds like an intake leak to me.
  17. I use the same method.
  18. Porsche says 1 quart in 1000 miles is acceptable.
  19. :lol: I need to stay out of that place - I always leave with two or three things more than I went in for... 5 pc Auto Trim and Molding Tool Set
  20. If you look at the alternator voltage with the engine running it should be 14 volts (or close to it).
  21. The Retail Price Search feature (for our Contributing Members) has been updated to reflect March 2008 pricing for the US (only). We try and update this on a monthly basis as the price lists come available to us. For March 2008 the price lists support: US: 218,882 parts Canada: 209,209 parts (December 2006) Thanks to Contributing Member Porschelibrarian!
  22. You need to find someone with the Durametric software, or a PST2 or a PIWIS tester to check your alternator. Or, you will need to remove it and have an alternator shop test/repair it.
  23. Try 4957 or 4955
  24. Unless you have some huge power drain it is likely time to have the alternator checked. Where are you located?
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