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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Yes, the AC can go. And, if you don't drive it on the street the cat can be replaced with a lighter empty tube. If you get really serious then there are the door panels and power windows.
  2. Read my last blog entry... and save your money.(JMHO)
  3. And you have ruled out a loose swaybar mount?
  4. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7069
  5. Whoa! Shouldn't take a competent shop more than 5 hours.
  6. All 3.4 liter cars are 300 HP (non X51 cars from the factory). 3.6 liter cars are 320 HP (non X51 cars from the factory). Add roughly plus 20 HP for any X51 car.
  7. P0420 40 TWC conversion, bank 1 - above limit Possible causes: - Oxygen sensor ahead of and after TWC exchanged - Valve lift fault - Aged oxygen sensor after TWC - TWC faulty P0430 TWC Conversion, Bank 2 - Above Limit Possible causes: - Oxygen sensor ahead of and after TWC exchanged - Valve lift fault - Aged oxygen sensor after TWC - TWC faulty P0492Secondary Air Injection System, Bank 2 - Insufficient Flow Possible causes: - Electrical fault in power supply or line between relay and secondary air injection pump - Secondary air injection pump relay mechanically faulty - Mechanical fault in electrical secondary air valve - Pneumatic secondary air valve faulty/sluggish - Electrical fault in secondary air injection pump - Mechanical fault in secondary air injection pump or secondary air injection pump blocked - Vacuum system leaking - Air hose to secondary air injection pump slipped off or constricted P1349 Camshaft Adjustment, Bank 1 – Below Limit Possible causes: - Dirt in system - Solenoid hydraulic valve mechanically blocked
  8. Model and year of car please? Also, US/Canada car or RoW?
  9. DId you check your Owners Manual? If you don't have one you can download one here.
  10. :welcome: Sounds like the 4WD - check the oil level in the front axle. Also, since this is your first 996 you might want to test drive another C4 and see if the noise is only in your car.
  11. Yes, via two connectors each. Yes, it could be but I would test it with a PST2 or PIWIS before I spent over $1000 for a new cluster.
  12. Try 6946 or 6944
  13. There is really only the oil level sender and the two wires that go to the cluster. So, I would check the continuity of the two wires from the sender to the cluster.
  14. I am closing this topic as all radio codes requests are in one place (see link). Lost Radio Code - FAQ -- PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  15. The part numbers (and prices) likely are different because they have changed products and suppliers. I agree with RFM - 4 liter is just barely enough. A new Tiptronic takes 9 liters and the service manual says an ATF change takes 3.5 liters - but my experience has been closer to 7 liters.
  16. For MY05 997.113.033.06 cat (cyl 1-3) 997.113.034.06 cat (cyl 4-6) Are you sitting down... MSRP US $1885.11 (each) as of March 2008
  17. 986.521.627.00 handle height adjustment (left side) -- US MSRP $16.82
  18. What model year? (MY05 is different)
  19. For some reason Rodger decided to delete his DIY and pics. So, I will move this out of the DIY section.
  20. Try 7602 or 7600
  21. Thanks Loren, Do you have the TSB number a place where I can get an image of the entire TSB? Regards, Alan As a Contributing member you can view the TSB online here. Just search for TSB 18/08 4440 Overview of Summer Tires and Wheels -- dated Dec 10, 2007.
  22. Try 7601 or 7599
  23. On a 987 spacers are optional. There is a TSB that calls out what optional spacers can be used on the car. 5 mm spacers are called out as optional for 17", 18", and 19" wheels.
  24. :welcome: Try our Search feature - it works really well. Center Console lid hinge broken...
  25. P0102 Mass Air Flow Sensor - Below Lower Limit P0130 Oxygen Sensor Ahead of Catalytic Converter (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Intercore Short Circuit or Limited Voltage Increase P0150 Oxygen Sensor Ahead of Catalytic Converter (Cylinders 4 - 6) - Intercore Short Circuit or Limited Voltage Increase What kind of cleaner did you use? It looks like you may have contaminated the O2 sensors. I would buy a new MAF and then reset the codes and see what you have.
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