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Everything posted by Loren

  1. From the Owners Manual... "The spare wheel must be used only over short distances in cases of emergency. After repair or replacement, re-mount the road wheel and tire as soon as possible. Avoid rapid acceleration, hard braking and high cornering speeds to prevent loss of vehicle control. The maximum permitted speed is 50 mph / 80 km/h and must not be exceeded because of altered driving characteristics and for reasons of wear. The tread depth of the spare wheel is subject to the same laws as the original tires. The vehicle must be fitted with only one spare wheel."
  2. Try 2539 or 2537
  3. Try 9196 or 9194
  4. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  5. MOST started in MY2003.
  6. Try 0643 or 0641
  7. A 4 year battery is waiting to strand you somewhere - soon. IMHO it's time to replace it anyway.
  8. 1. You are likely going to have to take the seat out to see what is wrong. Remember to NOT put the key in the ignition during this process ore you will get an airbag light. 2. 999.571.076.02 Socket wrench for headlamp -- MSRP $11.99 -- or you could use a 5 mm hand driver.
  9. How to change your manual transmission oil
  10. Looks like the real deal to me.
  11. I would look for bad grounds too. Suspect a ground near the engine/transmission.
  12. I would start by flushing and changing your brake fluid. Look for corrosion on the caliper piston when you push them back for the new pads - if is more than minor they will need to be rebuilt.
  13. Are you sure we don't have them? When did you last check? ;) ;)
  14. I replaced the ballast and fan worked for a little while. Ballast got so hot it was smoking. I notice that this fan is much harder to turn than the passenger fan. Has anyone replaced the radiator fan? Instructions? Look at my 3rd radiator instructions - taking the fan motor out is just one more step.
  15. There are 4 E12 (external torx) bolts that hold the seats in. Unfastening the electrical connectors is a bit puzzle like but they all do disconnect. Are you sure they need to come out - or do you just have to remove the bolts from the front? Either way - some words of caution. Do not have the key in the ignition (even in the off position) when you remove the seats - or you will get an airbag light. The airbag circuit is active from the moment you put the key in the ignition. Also, see this link - I don't know if B-K has changed their bracket. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=391
  16. I have merged these two topics on the RS60.
  17. The cupholder can be removed.
  18. Your other two posts have been deleted. Please do not double and triple post. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  19. See the DIY or do a search for the oil filter tool (74 mm 14 flutes as I recall). I keep my oil level in middle - not too high and not too low.
  20. See the 996 DIY - the oil change DIY is the same for 996 and 997 (and 986 and 997 for that matter). The easiest way to remove a little extra oil (to me) is to take the oil filter off - empty the oil out of it and put it back on.
  21. Someone else had this same problem - do a search. As I recall it turned out to be a broken wire in the steering wheel switching.
  22. The company he is used is actually Oklahoma Foreign, Inc. http://www.oklahomaforeign.com/
  23. I just ordered the Durametric OBD software, so I don't know if I will be able to do something in regards to the radio with the on board computer, to delete the 4 flashes. I did not use the Bose amp. I hooked up the door and dashboard speakers in series for the front. The rear speakers remained at 2 Ohms. I used the Boyo VTL300 backup camera, and it plugs directly into the kenwood. The Durametric software can not program MOST devices (like the radio, CD player, etc.). You will need to find someone with a PST2 or PIWIS tester to re-program those devices.
  24. Look at the fuel door repair DIY - we cover the front wheel liner there. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=13955 Also, the front bumper is very similar to a stnadrard 996 bumper see the 3rd radiator DIY here. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7070
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