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Everything posted by Loren

  1. :welcome: How long have you driven it since the battery change? It will take the DME 5 to 10 miles to reset and re-learn it's adaption program.
  2. Try 9373 or 9371 Thank you very much. I will give it a try later today. :rolleyes: Tried it. Unfortunately, the codes did not work and then shifted into wait mode. Any other suggestions? The local dealer/crook demands that I set an appointment late next and pay an unspecificied amount - all because of a dead battery. Thanks in advance. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  3. :welcome: That would depend on the model and year of your car. Have you looked at the Maintenance Schedules here?
  4. Look on the cars option code list see if it show I7K3 or I7K4.
  5. So is the sender in the resevoir tank? Yes. But if the tank is leaking there will usually be coolant under the carpet in the rear trunk.
  6. Could be a bad sender in the tank or since it was in an accident the tank could be cracked.
  7. Yes that is the oil level sender. I assume your oil pressure is fine?
  8. Loren, My maf sensor has the nr. 124.00 at the end. Does this mean that this is the wrong one, and i need the 125.01 and a DME upgrade??? By the way, my car was always running with the 124 and is from 02-2000 boris If you have a MY2000 Boxster then the TSB applies to your car. You can run the 124 or the 125.01. If you run the 125.01 then the DME needs to have the program changed to match it.
  9. It is not unusually for the Super Blue to stain the tank. If the car was properly flushed and re-bled (including the clutch and ABS) then there should not be any residual Super Blue. Next time drive to my house (I am about 10 minutes from your dealer) and I'll help you do it (for free). This is not the first bad report I have heard on this dealer.
  10. The OBD II fault codes are the key to helping you. Can you ask the shop to tell you the codes?
  11. You need to get your fault codes checked. Is the CEL on?
  12. Try 9373 or 9371
  13. Detach support of steering lock on the assembly (arrow). The support is fastened with a screw. The AC side vent must be removed to allow access to this screw. Undo steering lock fastening screw A. Unlock steering lock on the steering column (press spring-loaded pin B with a scriber) and simultaneously pull the steering lock out of the steering column.
  14. Yes, the engine purge fan. This fan only comes on when the engine (surrounding air) temp exceeds a set number. At that point it turns on and pulls cool air into the engine compartment. For most drivers this fan rarely comes on.
  15. Either a dealer or Becker should be able to do it over the phone. They might require that you fax them proof of ownership.
  16. Furthers tests will likely require a PIWIS or other sophisticated test gear that can read FRAs and RKAT. I do not have P1165 on any of my lists - are you sure about that number? Engine purge fan fault is P1675 - either way this is not likely related to your air leak problem.
  17. If you look at the spring color codes they will tell you also.
  18. I've seen these on Amazon too. Have you tried there?
  19. Try 8922 or 8920
  20. You want to very carefully check the wires at the passenger airbag (up under the dash) and the airbag controller (behind the center console - mounted on the tunnel). Do not put the key in the ignition - the key does not have to be turned on to activate the airbag circuit - only in the ignition. Keep the key in your pocket.
  21. :welcome: I had a 1976 911 S Where is the car located? You do realize MY1974 is before hot-galvanized bodies (rust resistant). Is it CIS or carbs (since he has changed engines)? Put it up on a rack and check all the head studs - unless they have been replaced with the newer type they will pull out of the case (look for tiny leaks). If you have any pics that would be nice...
  22. Fault 27 says firing circuit for the passenger side is not working (disconnected?). In another post you said your fault was 271? Is this the same car - same fault?
  23. Are you sure it is 271 and not 71? Usually codes above 100 mean the triggering device is faulty and non-operational. These codes can not be cleared and the triggering device must be replaced.
  24. Yup, it does that all the time - you just don't notice it.
  25. O2 sensors? None of these codes point towards any O2 sensors problems. O2 sensors are there to help diagnose issues - rarely are they the issue. All of you codes above point to an air leak that the DME can not compensate for. Depending on the FRAU reading and RKAT readings Possible fault causes (FRAU below limit): - Incorrect main filling signal from hot-film mass air flow meter - Fuel pressure too high - Injection valve faulty (dripping) - Tank vent faulty (does not close completely) Possible fault causes (FRAU above limit): - Intake system leaking (secondary air) - Incorrect main filling signal from hot-film mass air flow meter - Leak in exhaust system - Fuel pressure too low - Fuel injector faulty (stuck) - Fuel pump delivery too low Possible causes (RKAT above limit): - Oil filler cap leaking (secondary air) - Intake system leaking (secondary air) - Crankcase ventilation leaking (secondary air) - Incorrect main filling signal from hot-film mass air flow meter - Leak in exhaust system - Tank vent faulty (does not close completely) Possible causes (RKAT below limit): - Incorrect main filling signal from hot-film mass air flow meter - Fuel pressure too high - Injection valve mechanically faulty (dripping) - Tank vent faulty (does not close completely)
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