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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Thanks! I guess I hadn't seen one of the newer kits.
  2. Try 4615 or 4613
  3. ... or a small rock caught between the disc and the splash shield.
  4. :welcome: Unless they are different than I remember the whole bulb holder just pull straight out - then you can replace the bulb,
  5. The wiring for the switch just goes to the relay and the cluster. I can send you the wiring diagram if you are comfortable with that.
  6. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  7. Try 2664 or 2662
  8. If the wiring for the switch was there then that is the first time I have heard that. In the past the switch (and switch wiring) was not included. The wiring that was included was for the connection to the cluster.
  9. Just buy some wire (like the spoiler mod).
  10. hi all i need to get a navigation code have the pcm code but i believe i need the nav code only not sure how to access it since it doesnt illuminate on the screen it asks for the pcm code which i put in but rejects it and after a few tries it make sme wait a hour!! thanks Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  11. No, the switch wiring is not included - never has been.
  12. If your check engine light comes on then there should be a code. Very few codes clear themselves on the sane drive (usually takes several drive cycles). What did you use to read the codes? Also, where are you located?
  13. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=19509
  14. Not sure about a CR-210 but on the CDR-220 you just enter the code and wait. It then responds with the radio station.
  15. Try 0206 or 0204
  16. http://astore.amazon.com/renntechorg-20/de...7385299-8190032 $17.50 (and Renntech.org get a tiny percentage) :D
  17. Hmm... my program says 8368 also. Is that the code that is displayed?
  18. Yes, your temperature gauge should be in middle all the time after warm-up.
  19. No, Durametirc can not change country coding (at this time). You will need a Porsche dealer or high end shop that has a PIWIS.
  20. Unless your car is overheating that fan should rarely come on. For the 987 series cars - "The engine compartment scavenging blower is switched on and off at the following temperatures: Engine compartment temperature: ON at > 158° F. (70° C), OFF at < 131° F. (55° C). Coolant temperature: ON at > 216° F. (102° C), OFF at < 210° F. (99° C). It can also be activated at high intake air temperatures / ambient temperatures." If your fan is on during these "off" temperature ranges then something is wrong.
  21. Get your fault codes and report back here.
  22. Ah... 987 Warning light For Coolant Temperature Gauge Activated Have your local dealer perform the action in TSB 2/06 1912 Warning light For Coolant Temperature Gauge Activated -- dated April 18, 2006.
  23. The fan in the engine compartment or the fans in front fenders?
  24. That may be able to be (country) re-coded with a PIWIS tester. Where are you located?
  25. Look for an option sticker under the front hood or in the manuals (that I hope came with the car).
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