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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Becker North America Direct Phone Number for Parts: 201-961-1309
  2. Yes, you could feel it under braking. If you don't know where the swaybar is (and it's mount then you best take it to a good Porsche shop.
  3. The only engine that I know that are "not repairable" are the ones with porous cases. Technically everything other than the case could be reused. I don't think Porsche are any different than any other engine. If parts are overheated and stressed they should be checked and or replaced. IMHO... they are all rebuildable it just depends on how many parts and how time is involved. Porsche's factory rebuilt engines are really a good deal because they are rebuilt to the same specs by people that do that every day -- and (this is big AND) they give warranty on that rebuilt engine. It depends on what you are looking for in your Boxster - but you could buy an engine from a salvage yard too. But that is a crapshoot in my opinion.
  4. Look for loose swaybar mounting bolts. That is fairly common.
  5. Sounds like you should have the fault codes read then. Where are you located?
  6. I run 32/36 on my Bridgestone S03's. The car handles much better (for my driving style) at those pressures. So far I have not had any unusual wear pattern. But then I really don't expect to get much more than 10,000 miles out of the rears...
  7. Check the tires first - that is pretty low miles for a wheel bearing problem.
  8. Thank you, I can't seem to find the e-mail address at the main page. I am new to this site. Can you tell me the email address? Thanks again. Pete That is a third party that gives RennTech.org members a special price. You can email them at: htverheyen@aol.com
  9. My car is an '04 986S (anniv. model) and today a red light started flashing in the temp gauge along with a "failure indicator" message. Does this TSB also apply to the 986 models? FYI: The gauge isn't reading at all. Thanks in advance. No, the TSB is for the MY2005 production run of 987 cars only. You should check for leaks or a bad sensor.
  10. Yes, you can buy one DVD -- it is listed on the more info page. $39.95 on PayPal or your credit card. You can email the seller (see the main page) for any special delivery options.
  11. I was asking the original poster....
  12. P1502 Throttle Jacking Unit, Spring Test – Above Limit It says: Replace throttle part. Perform adaptation. 1. Switch on the ignition. 2. Wait one minute. Do not press the accelerator. 3. Switch off the ignition for at least 10 seconds. 4. Read out the fault memory.
  13. About 8.2 kg (18.08 lbs.) each for the fronts and 9.7 kg (21.38 lbs.) each for the rears
  14. Loren, As if you don't do enough around here, could you please take a minute to send the diagram to me as well? I have a NOS PSE that didn't come with the switch or the wiring. The diagram would be a big help, Thanks. Um... for what model and year of car?
  15. I show the 433 MHz control box as 997.618.225.03 It has a US MSRP of $450.15 It mounts behind the front bumper - so that would need to come off to get access.
  16. According to the parts list that should fit any Cayenne MY03-06.
  17. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...code=_9x6_Werks Buy DVD #1
  18. No swapping DME won't work because you would need to reprogram the immobilizer each time. You should however check to see that the connections to the DME are tight. I had one once that was 3/4 of the way unplugged.
  19. http://www.homelink.com/training/print.taf?i=first
  20. I think that reference to SME is a typo - I think they mean DME.
  21. I sent you some info... Looks like it could be a low voltage condition. Have you disconnected the battery or had electrical problems recently? If not, I would erase the code and see if it comes back.
  22. :welcome: Not much info in a 10 digit VIN...
  23. :welcome: Unless you are positive the relays are working start by swapping them with another car that is working.
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