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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Are you trying to get more caster or more camber?
  2. Try 0562 or 0560
  3. CDR-23 radios are synch'ed to the car. So if you change radios you must re-synch it using a PST2 or PIWIS.
  4. :welcome: Many auto parts stores sell a pump that fits right on the end of the gear oil bottle that allows you to pump the contents into transmission.
  5. Yes, it appears that (a properly installed) 997 RMS seal seems to solve "most" RMS problems. The IMS seal fix is usually not a seal issue but a mounting bolts. It is unusual to have one of these leak again also. If both have been done on your car and there is no sign of further leaks - then I would leave them alone.
  6. Try 8404 or 8402
  7. Try 1218 or 1216
  8. From the experiences I have heard from folks with the 997 seal - so far - yes.
  9. 955.044.800.78 Rear Apron Set -- US MSRP $1477.99
  10. Sorry, but I think you are going to need a shop a with a PST2 or PIWIS tester - this is an odd one.
  11. 19 and 21 are the stage 1 fan relays (low speed). 20 and 22 are the stage 2 fan relays (high speed). They are all the same part number so they are all interchangeable.
  12. I was going from what the sales brochure said - it specifically refers to ESItronic and does not mention Porsche in the brochure. A PST2 is worth what it is worth to you -- depending on how much you use it. Remember that a PST2 only covers cars through MY2004 - so nothing newer and there will not be any updates. Dealer price on a new PST2 was $4000 ($8000 to independent shops) - so I guess that could be your guide.
  13. I think that (KTS 200) does what the older ESItronic software did. Bosch sold a laptop (or PC desktop) version of software for most European cars that did most of the basic OBD II diagnostics and then a few more "special features" for the models covered. If you notice Porsche is not on their list. Unless you work on those other models on a daily basis it would not make sense to me. JMHO.
  14. Please do a search here as this has been covered many times...
  15. 2004 Cayenne S See mudman2's post above.
  16. Thank you Loren, I appreciate it immensely! Try this again, these are easier to read...
  17. 997_Tightening_torques_for_front_axle.pdf 997_Tightening_torques_for_rear_axle.pdf
  18. Front shocks are correct for M030. Front springs are correct for M030. Rear shocks are correct for M030. Rear springs should be violet/yellow dots. Rear stabilizer is correct for M030. Time to relax and drive your car... ;)
  19. :welcome: Please do not double post - I have removed your second post. Also, please try our search feature as this has been covered here. Spoiler light always on, After install of a fixed spoiler
  20. I think that may drive the DME crazy - and will certainly cause a CEL.
  21. The Super Blue will stain the brake fluid reservoir (which is the main reason I don't use it). But if you pulled some fluid out with a syringe and it was blue then someone is not telling the truth.
  22. Try 542` or 5419
  23. See if you can get someone local to read your fault codes for you. Autozone will loan you a reader - write down the codes and report back here.
  24. I think you need to shop around for a replacement engine. Try Sunset Imports in Oregon - they sell Porsche Parts ar Dealer Cost plus 15%. There is a link at the top of the page. You will still need to find someone local to install your new engine but I doubt you will find a better price than Sunset Imports. I have worked on Porsche's (primarily my own) for over 30 years. They are very easy to work on provided you have the right tools and knowledge.
  25. Factory 18" GT3 wheels 8" fronts and 10" rears.
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