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  3. I would try an LED compatible replacement flasher and see what happens.
  4. The classic answer is if it were that easy, don't you think Porsche would have already done it. Many claims are bogus or outright fraudulent. Ones that are tested, significantly better and more reliable cost lots more than you paid for the car. Focus on making it safer and reliable. How is your suspension? Tires? AOS? You aren't going to outrun a Corvette and it isn't safe to try. Maybe invest in some track time to improve the driver.
  5. Yesterday
  6. Hi, I am looking at this rear harness map as I am having some issues with my tail turning signals (2007 Cayman Base MT). Long story short, I had water ingress in the car which fried the Rear Control Module. I replaced the RCM, which fixed my tail lights, stop light, backup light, and spoiler power issue, but now the turn signals are not working properly. The funny thing is the turn signals and Hazard flashers were the only thing working when it had fried the original RCM module. Now I have the error message about the turning signals on the dash, side marker blink appropriately but tail turn signals do not. Hazards do not light in the back and have the fast clicking sound of the turn signals in the dash. The car has LED taillights and I wonder if, with the new RCM, I need a new flasher light relay fuse (I am not sure if there is a flasher light relay fuse on the Cayman as I had seen in other videos for 986 Boxster). The Any help is greatly appreciated!
  7. My 2009 Cayenne T shows Chassis System Fault and the whole front end drops after 1 min of driving. When I start the vehicle, the compressor comes on and the front raises to the right height. If I just sit there in park while its running , the compressor comes on very other minute but does it lose the height and the ride level stays up. I did get a fault code of 1708 which is the the vehicle level sensor. Does this make sense or could it be multiple factors like an ECU or relay or air leak? THanks
  8. After a lot of reserch I discovered that it was the alarm siren that was the cause of all my problems. The siren when faulty will run constantly but without making any sound. It will put a constant low power drain on the battery. When the battery voltage is low enough the hazard light will keep flashing when the car is parked. This can also affect other alarm systems. Hopefuly this information will help others with this problem.
  9. Hi, After a recent battery change i have the fault code 8E04 it won't clear and also the new battery appears to be losing power any ideas?
  10. Last week
  11. Do not double post, it is against the forum rules you agreed to when you joined.
  12. I have a 996 TT with an instrument cluster that does not backlight without the lights on. The cluster backlights fine and dims with the headlights on but the cluster does not illuminate when the lights are off. According to the Owners manual, the gauges are supposed to back light based on the ambient light sensor located in the tach near the 8k rpm indicator. Since the instrument back lights do work with the lights on that is guiding me towards the light sensor. Does anyone have any experience with this issue and were you able to repair it?
  13. I have a 996 TT with an instrument cluster that does not backlight without the lights on. The cluster backlights fine and dims with the headlights on but the cluster does not illuminate when the lights are off. According to the Owners manual, the gauges are supposed to back light based on the ambient light sensor located in the tach near the 8k rpm indicator. Since the instrument back lights do work with the lights on that is guiding me towards the light sensor. Does anyone have any experience with this issue and were you able to repair it?
  14. Nothing.
  15. Does this offer any noticeable value or change other than possibly sound?
  16. I know this is an old thread but for anyone having this issue, i highly recommend you test your secondary air injection pumps, i replaced mine that failed and all the issues described above including check engine light are gone on their own. The car feel 100x better, smooth and powerful. The secondary air pumps are tricky because when your engine is on they feel like they are also working but in reality its just the vibration of the engine that you feel. I took them off and tested them directly with a 12v battery.
  17. Ok.. Thanks again.
  18. 1K8 951 605 A or PAB 951 605
  19. This is a Porsche technical website -- not Mercedes.
  20. Hello everyone, I have a w221 s600 with renntech tune and I have a code that says catalytic converter on one side, if I was to gutt it ( catalytic delete) , it's legal in my state, would I need to returne it?
  22. Only the last four really matter.
  23. That is the serial as displayed on radio unless the second digit is an "S" and not a "5" WS007293. Could that be the case? Please check and advise. Thanks in advance for the help.
  24. If you gave me the correct serial number - then no. Sorry.
  25. Thank you. Unfortunately that one did no work. Is there any other code to try?
  26. I live in England and we just had a lot of snow. I did think it could have something to do with water. I will check that out thanks.
  27. Days ago, a few hours after parking the car after a long drive, I see big coolant puddle around the front right wheel. I checked the level and it was more or less where it was before. Since then no more puddles appeared and temperature remain normal. Question: is there some relief exit on the coolant reservoir for when you fill it too much ?
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